Elsevier, the information analytics company specializing in science and health, and the Association for Nursing Professional Development (ANPD), the organization that upholds the highest standards for nursing professional development, have announced the launch of Mosby's Medical-Surgical Nursing Orientation course. This eLearning course is designed to help newly licensed nurses successfully transition from academic preparation to autonomous, safe clinical practice and to provide essential tools for nursing professional development (NPD) practitioners and preceptors.
Mosby's Medical-Surgical Nursing Orientation course is meant to be integrated into an existing transition-to-practice or other orientation programme. The course includes 26 lessons that cover diseases and disorders, such as heart failure, as well as professional practice issues, including conflict resolution. More than 100 NPD practitioners wrote and reviewed the content with the goal of exposing new nurses to real-world case study and role-play scenarios to help them build clinical judgment and hone their critical thinking skills.
"Elsevier is proud to have collaborated with ANPD to offer this innovative orientation programme that complements Mosby's Preceptor, another successful eLearning course co-developed with ANPD," said Cindy Tryniszewski, MSN, RN, FAEN, vice president, clinical content, clinical solutions at Elsevier.
"New nurse orientation is top-of-mind for nurse leaders who told us that their key challenges include improving patient safety, new nurse retention rates, and new nurse confidence in practice," Tryniszewski said. "Our new course will help address these issues by arming the newly licensed nurse with the tools to succeed and providing the essential resources for NPD practitioners and preceptors to prepare these nurses to become safe, competent clinicians."
According to Chris Wilson, MSN, RN-BC, ANPD president, "NPD practitioners can use this course to support staff participating in transition to practice programs. Such programmes play an essential role in the successful acquisition of knowledge and skills for new nurses or for experienced nurses who are changing clinical focus."
This new product adds to Elsevier's library of exclusive, co-developed products with key nursing associations, including the Emergency Nurses Association and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.
ANPD is a professional association of over 4,000 nursing professional development specialists and is built on the following foundation: evidence-based education, advocacy and networking.
Elsevier is a global information analytics company that helps institutions and professionals progress science, advance healthcare and improve performance for the benefit of humanity. Elsevier provides digital solutions and tools in the areas of strategic research management, R&D performance, clinical decision support, and professional education; including ScienceDirect, Scopus, ClinicalKey and Sherpath. Elsevier publishes over 2,500 digitized journals, including The Lancet and Cell, more than 35,000 e-book titles, and many iconic reference works, including Gray's Anatomy. Elsevier is part of RELX Group, a world-leading provider of information and analytics to professionals and business customers, in a wide range of industries.
Elsevier collaborate with anpd, launch mosby's medical-surgical, nursing orientation course