The Indian Society for Clinical Research (ISCR), an association of clinical research professionals, has this year retained its theme of Patients First for International Clinical Trials Day 2017. Each year, May 20 is celebrated as International Clinical Trials Day to mark the day the world’s first controlled clinical trial was conducted in 1747.
Commenting on retaining the focus on patients for this year’s International Clinical trials Day activities, Dr. Chirag Trivedi, president of ISCR said, “Every medicine or treatment we take has been made possible because of a patient who participated in a clinical trial. Our theme Patients First acknowledges the selfless contribution and our appreciation of clinical trial patients in bringing new drugs and new treatment to market. It is also dedicated to patients who are still waiting in hope of a better quality of life made possible through new treatment and to whom we commit the work we do as clinical research professionals.”
India has 17 per cent of the world’s population and 20 per cent of the global disease burden and yet, less than 1.4 per cent of global trials take place in India. “We call upon all clinical research professionals and patients in the country to join us in commemorating International Clinical Trials Day. We need greater awareness created about clinical research so that patient are aware of their rights and responsibilities. We need to encourage more innovation and research and development in India to make Make in India a reality for clinical research. We also need to ensure that global stakeholders are aware about the balanced regulatory environment we have in the country today. More clinical trials in India will mean that more patients can access the benefits of more effective and newer treatment,” added Dr Trivedi.
Iscr retains patient focus, international clinical trials day