
Indian Pharma Market growth declines by 2.4% in July 2017 due to GST implementation

The Indian Pharmaceutical Market growth declined by 2.4 per cent during the month of July 2017 to Rs. 9,280 crore due to the first month of GST roll out. The operational issues like difficulties in software updation, the stockist billing was hampered to a large extent leading to a decline in market growths for the month of July 2017. Monthly growth has been pulled down by the volumes of the established products. FDC related market show a de-growth of 23.3 per cent while the non FDC market declined by 1.9 per cent. 

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  • According to AIOCD Pharmasofttech AWACS Pvt. Ltd report, Anti-infectives sales declined by 15.8 per cent, while dermatology achieved growth of 7 per cent. Gastro Intestinal and Vitamins segments registered decline of 1.9 per cent and 2.3 per cent. However, maaujor chronic therapy like anti-diabetic has shown a positive double digit growth of 12.9 per cent. Cardio segment and CNS posted growth of 4.5 per cent and 1.5 per cent respectively. 
  • Among the top 10 corporates, Intas has the highest growth of 7 per cent followed by Abbott at 4.5 per cent Zydus at 3.3 per cent. Glaxo after few months of positive growth has slipped to a degrowth of 2.5 per cent. 22 corporate from leading top 50 companies registered positive growth. Sun Pharma postfolio showed a degrowth of 2.2 per cent Total 36 companies launched in last 36 months and three companies cross Rs. 10 crore in revenue. 
  • The revenues of Indian companies declined by 3.3 per cent during July 2017 while the MNC were stagnant at one per cent months growth. Amongst the top 50 MNCs Boehringer Ingelheim which grew at 17.3 per cent while Eli Lilly was growing at 11.5 per cent followed by Novartis at 10.3 per cent. In the non-NLEM category Indian companies declined at a Rate of 2.1 per cent whereas MNCs grew at 1.9 per cent. 
  • From therapy perspective 11 therapies have shown a positive growth for the months of July 2017. Respiratory market posted a degrowth of 16.2 per cent, Gastro intestiinal market declined at 1.9 per cent, pain & analgesics market also declined at 5.7 per cent. In chronic business, Anti-diabetic market grew at 12.9 per cent and cardiac at 4.5 per cent, Neuro/CNS was stagnant at 1.5 per cent.
  • From regional perspective 9 regions have posted positive growth for month of July 2017. North East market grew the highest at 53.9 per cent followed by North Rajasthan at 20.5 per cent and Mumbai city at 11 per cent. Amoxycillin plus Clavulanic acid market posted a de-growth of 13.6 per cent in July 2017. However, Glimepiride plus Metformin market grew at 5.5 per cent. The market of paraceaamol plain showed a de-growth of 23.7 per cent.
  • Among the recently launched molecule, Azilsartan is now valued at Rs. 29 rore there are 35 brands alrealdy launched. On MAT basis with Zilarbi (Emcure) leading follwed by Aztric (Intas) and Azildac (Zydus. Lulicionazole segment is worth Rs. 144 crore on MAT basis. Total 149 brands and 425 SKUs launched in July 2017 and within the antidiabetic category there are 4 brands launched in the months of July 2017.


Indian pharma market growth declines by 2.4% , july 2017 due to, gst implementation


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