Biogal Galed Labs, a global leader of veterinary diagnostic solutions, has announced the commercialization of Canine VacciCheck in Japan. Canine VacciCheck has been approved by The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) in Japan.
Canine VacciCheck is a novel "in house" kit intended to evaluate the amount of antibodies present for the core vaccines (Canine Infectious Hepatitis-Adenovirus Type 2, Canine Parvovirus, and Canine Distemper Virus).
The major indications for VacciCheck are: Determine whether a puppy has responded to vaccination protocol; Testing if adult dogs require revaccination; Management of infectious disease (Canine Parvo and Distemper) outbreaks in shelters; Testing of newly adopted adult dogs to determine vaccination protection.
Canine VacciCheck is unique, as it quantitatively checks for all 3 core vaccines. This is carried out as a single test in a vet clinic, veterinary lab, animal shelter or boarding facility, with results available in 23 minutes, while the patient is present.
Within the new guidelines, there is a dramatic shift from the previous guidelines, fromautomaticallyre vaccinating with core vaccines to incorporating in practice testing into the vaccination protocol for dogs, cats, puppies and kittens.
These guidelines for the first time, endorse specific and detailed descriptions of the essential indications of In Practice Serological Testing, meaning using VacciCheck.
Spectrum Labs Japanare the exclusive distributors in Japan for Canine VacciCheck.
Biogal was established in 1986. Biogal's various veterinary diagnostic products are available in over 35 countries. Biogal developed the patented ImmunoComb technology for detecting antibody levels in blood or serum.
Biogal galed, canine vaccicheck in japanese market