Cannabics Pharmaceuticals (CNBX) has announced it will begin providing personalized cannabinoid anti-tumor tests for cancer patients. The diagnostic tests are based on liquid biopsies of patients suffering from any kind of cancer. The test uses CTC technology that collects cancer cells from patients' blood samples, and tests their sensitivity to cannabinoid compounds alongside conventional chemotherapy medicine.
The results enable doctors to make better informed decisions by providing personalized patient data as supporting evidence to available medical treatments. Dr. Eyal Ballan, chief scientist of Cannabics Pharmaceuticals said, "Our vision is to embrace the natural medicinal properties of cannabis utilizing the diversity of active compounds to fight cancer in its manifestation in each individual patient".
Through an exclusive collaboration with Cancer Hope Israel, which specializes in providing a comprehensive check of the effectiveness of chemotherapy and innovative biological medicines, Cannabics will provide its proprietary cannabinoid based compounds to be assessed in their anti-tumor properties.
Commercialization will commence in March 2017, when 10 first patients' liquid biopsies will be tested using this technology. The company plans to make this service available to cancer patients in Canada, Europe and the USA, under local medical cannabis regulations in each country and state, by the end of the year. Itamar Borochov, chief executive officer of Cannabics Pharmaceuticals, says "We are the first company in the world to offer cancer patients personalized cannabinoid anti-tumor diagnostics. We are excited to be pioneers in the nexus of cannabis and personalized cancer treatments".
Cannabics Pharmaceuticals, a US based public company, is dedicated to the development of personalized anti-cancer and palliative treatments.
Cannabics pharma, provide personalized cannabinoid, anti-tumor tests for cancer patients