To lay down a procedure for Environmental Monitoring of Microbiology Laboratory.
To lay down a procedure for Environmental Monitoring of Microbiology Laboratory.
2.0 SCOPE:
This procedure applies to the Environmental Monitoring in Microbiology Laboratory.
Microbiologist : To ensure the compliance of SOP
Head Quality Control : To ensure the compliance of SOP
4.1 Settle plate Method:
4.1.1 Prepare Soyabean casein digest agar plates as per Preparation of Microbial Culture Media.
4.1.2 Enter the clean area following entry procedure as per Preparation of Microbial Culture Media.
4.1.3 Remove the containers from pass box hatch and keep on the table.
4.1.4 Take out the plates from container, carry each plate to its location, open the lid and place it in predetermined position.
4.1.5 Place the plates in predetermined position as illustrated in diagram for 4 hours as per
4.1.6 At the end of exposure period, close the plate invert it and incubate at 20°C to 25°C for 2 hours in BOD incubator
72 hours
4.1.7 After completion of 72 hours, incubate same plates at 30 to 35°C for 48 hours in bacteriological incubator
4.1.8 Keep the positive and negative control along with the exposed plates.
4.1.9 Take the total no. of colony forming unit (cfu) observed after completion of 120hours.
4.1.10 Maintain the record in Microbiological testing area.
Frequency:-Daily, when in operation
4.1.11 Precaution: Ensure that plates are exposed for not less than 4 hours. Ensure that plates are pre incubated.
4.1.12 Limit:
4.3 Air Sampling:
4.3.1 Connect Air sampler electric pin to electric supply.
4.3.2 Place pre incubated Soyabean casein digest agar plate on plate holder after removing the lid. Place the base in the lid.
4.3.3 Place sterile SS Mesh.
4.3.4 Air sampling shall be done on the location as shown
4.3.5 Set the Air sampling time to sample 1000 Liters Air.
4.3.6 Switch on the Air sampler.
4.3.7 Air sampler will start air sampling.
4.3.8 After completion of air sampling, air sampler will stop automatically.
4.3.9 Remove SS mesh
4.3.10 Remove the plate from the holder, cover with lid.
4.3.11 Mark the plate with Location No, date area.
4.3.12 Also do the Air sampling in the same way.
4.3.13 Transfer the plates to Incubator Room.
4.3.14 Incubate the plates at 20 to 25° C for 72 hours, and then at 30 to 35° C for 48 hours.
4.3.15 Observe the counts and record for Microbiological Testing area.
4.3.16 Frequency:-Once in a week.
4.3.17 Limits:
4.7 NOTE:-Environmental monitoring by settle plate method has to be done during testing activity in the area.
Environmental monitoring, microbiology, exposed plates