To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for usage of equipment individually.
To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for usage of equipment individually.
2.0 SCOPE:
The SOP describes in detail the usage of reactors to know the occupancy of the reactors.
The responsibility of filling Equipment log sheet lies with not lower than operator of production department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the SOP lies with the Executive-Production, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Before starting the batch in any equipment, fill the log sheet with date. Product/Cleaning, Batch No. and starting time.
4.2 Once the operation is completed, enter the closing time and date on the log sheet.
4.3 If any delay in the operation, record in the remarks column.
4.4 The operator will sign once the operation is completed.
The equipment log sheet shall be filled by operator and will be verified by QA during the rounds.
Equipment, production