To lay down a procedure for growth promotion test of received microbiological media using standard viable cultures
1.1 To lay down a procedure for growth promotion test of received microbiological media using standard viable cultures of known organisms
2.1 This SOP covers the Growth promotion test procedure for microbiological media in Microbiological Laboratory.
3.1 Microbiologist
4.1 Department Head - Quality Control
5.1 Each lot of dehydrated medium bearing manufacturers identifying number or each lot of medium prepared from basic ingredients are tested for its growth promoting qualities.
5.2 A minimum amount of 10-100 cells viable suspension is prepared as per current version of Sop NoXXXXX and inoculated in the prepared media.
5.3 Different types of media are checked for its growth promotion quality by using relevant viable cultures as per the appendix -I.
5.4 Incubate the media in incubator at the temperature specified in appendix – I for respective organism growth.
5.5 After the completion of incubation period observe the media for growth of organism inoculated and if growth is confirmed then that media is suitable for further use.
5.6 If the growth is not seen, discard the media container.
5.7 The recovery should not be less than 50%.
5.8 The visual growth obtained is further confirmed by its morphological characteristics.
5.9 Record the growth promotion test details in the Growth promotion test record as per Format No.: XXXXX
Microbiology, media growth,promotion test