To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for performing distillation of any solvent from a reactor.
To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for performing distillation of any solvent from a reactor.
2.0 SCOPE:
The SOP describes in detail the method of performing distillation.
The responsibility of performing distillation as per the SOP lies with the staff of the rank not lower than operator of the production department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the SOP lies with the Officer (Production), Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Empty the jacket by opening jacket drain valve. Give chilled water supply to the condenser. Open vent valve of distillation line.
4. 2 Close the jacket drain valve, open steam trap. Open steam inlet valve and apply steam heating slowly to the jacket.
4. 3 The heating is continued till the solvent starts coming out from the mass which can be viewed from the glass meant for it.
4.4 Collect the distillate in another equipment specified for the same.
4.5 Continue distillation till the temperature remains in the specified range. Stop the chilled water circulation to condenser and steam supply to the jacket of reactor.
The temperature readings will be recorded by the operator/supervisor in the temperature record attached to the batch manufacturing sheet.
Procedure, distillation, production