To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for recording of pressure differences, temperature and humidity
To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for recording of pressure differences, temperature and humidity
2.0 SCOPE:
The SOP describes in detail the method of recording of pressure differences, temperature and humidity
The responsibility of recording of pressure differences, temperature and humidity in pharma area lies with the staff of rank not lower than operator of production department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the SOP lies with the Executive (Production), Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Pressure differences :
4.1.1 Ensure that the doors are properly closed before recording the pressure differences.
4.1.2 Record the pressure differences as indicated in the respective magnehelic gauges of different areas as follows.
Annexure – I : For primary pharma area
Annexure – II : For secondary pharma area
Annexure – III : For wash area
4.1.3 If the recordings are not meeting the specification, inform to Maintenance department immediately for rectification and record in the remarks column.
4.1.4 Frequency :
Pressure differences shall be recorded daily between 12.00 hrs and 13.00 hrs.
4.2 Temperature and humidity :
4.2.1 Temperature and humidity in various areas of pharma area shall be automatically monitored by data logger and the readings are obtained every 6 hrs. through a printer.
4.2.2 The data is reviewed by section incharge and preserved in pharma area.
4.2.3 If the recordings are not meeting the specifications inform to Maintenance department immediately for rectification and record in the remarks column.
Specification : Temperature is 26° ± 2°C and Humidity is 55 ± 5% related to Channel Nos. 01 to 10.
4.2.4 Frequency :
Temperature and humidity shall be recorded by data logger for every 6 hours.
The responsibility of recording the pressure difference in pharma area lies with the staff of rank not lower than operator of production department in pressure differences record as shown in annexure-I, II, III.
Production, pressure differences, humidity