Among various methods being available, chemical methods are found to be effective in sanitization as well as in removal of biofilms
Reverse osmosis system
Reverse osmosis process retains salts, organic compounds and also organisms and bacteria.
The membrane for reverse osmosis should hold a reduction of 3 log or 99.9% of bacteria.
If level of bacteria is more than feed water than product water then it may cause for the bacterial growth at the surface.
Chemical sanitization of Reverse osmosis system
Removal of biofilm
Many purified water systems have biofilms within their distribution systems. Precaution should be taken in identifying and removing it. Proper maintenance should be done to control it.
Total viable bacteria enumeration method can be used in identifying biofilm in relation to bacteria levels.
Techniques like distribution loop sanitization with hot water and steam and two phase flow by condensation of pure steam doesn’t remove the biofilm effectively.
Chemical sanitizers help in eliminating the biofilm effectively. Chemical sanitization can be used along with cartridge membrane filtration to remove bacteria. The important criteria to be considered are the method and the agent that is used along with exposure time.
Among the chemical sanitization the most effective method is by using Peracetic acid and Hydrogen Peroxide at a concentration of 0.08% and 1% respectively.
General Method
Biofilms can be further removed by using pH cleaners or other sanitizers like formaldehyde and chlorine and then rinsing with purified water.
Chemical sanitizers, sanitization, biofilm, reverse osmosis system, hydrogen peroxide