To lay down a procedure for Sterilization of glassware and apparatus used in Microbiology Laboratory.
To lay down a procedure for Sterilization of glassware and apparatus used in Microbiology Laboratory.
2.0 SCOPE:
This procedure is applicable to Sterilization of glassware and apparatus used in Microbiology Laboratory.
Microbiologist: To perform the procedure as per SOP.
Head – Quality Control: To ensure the compliance of SOP.
4.1 Requirements:
4.1.1 Stainless steel petri-plates containers, Butter paper / Aluminium foil.
4.2 Cover the open ends of washed and dried glassware with cotton plugs and wrap in butter paper/ Aluminium foil.
4.3 Wrap stainless steel sampling scoops in aluminum foil.
4.4 Wrap pipettes individually in butter paper.
4.5 Cover the petri-plates with the lid and place them in the stainless steel petri-plate containers or wrap four petri-plates in butter paper or aluminium foil.
4.6 Wrap glass ware/apparatus, which are to be autoclaved, such as filtration units, forceps and scissors with butter paper/Aluminium foil.
4.7 Place all material to be sterilized in the autoclave. The appropriate chemical indicator strip is also placed within the load.
4.8 Close the door of autoclave and operate the autoclave as per the instructions given in Cleaning and Operation of Auto Sliding Door Steriliser. Maintain the temperature of autoclave at 1210C for 20 minutes.
4.9 Open the door of autoclave when the temperature of chamber is less than 90oC.
4.10 Check the chemical indicators for the efficiency of the cycle.
4.11 Using cotton hand gloves, remove the sterilized glass ware/ apparatus from the Autoclave.
4.12 Mention on the sterilized glassware with date of sterilization, load number.
4.13 Store sterilized glassware/apparatus in a clean dry place.
4.14 Enter the details of sterilization in the Autoclave Sterilization Record Cleaning and Operation of Auto Sliding Door Steriliser
4.15 The records must include details of each load such as date, load number, and
Items sterilized.
4.16 The chemical indicator strips must be attached to the sterilization record.
Autoclave, glassware, microbiology