
Try these home remedies to treat high blood pressure!

New Delhi: High blood pressure is a chronic medical condition which boost the risk of developing many health related problems like heart disease, stroke and kidney failure.

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  • New Delhi: High blood pressure is a chronic medical condition which boost the risk of developing many health related problems like heart disease, stroke and kidney failure.
  • People get to know that they have high blood pressure is by getting it measured by a professional. But, one can treat their high blood pressure without any medication with the help of natural remedies.
  • Here are some home remedies to treat high blood pressure:
  • Garlic : Include garlic in your daily diet if you want to treat your high blood pressure because it acts as a natural medicine and helps in lowering cholesterol. It also keeps the blood pressure in check.
  • Onion and honey : Start having a cup of onion juice with two table spoon of honey daily to lower your blood pressure.
  • Carrot : Drink a glass of carrot and spinach juice twice a day to lower your blood pressure.


Home, remedies, treat, high blood pressure


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