The present study has been designed to elucidate the pharmacological activities like diuretic and anthelmintic activities of fruit extracts of Carica papaya on rats. The LD50 dose for alcoholic extract and petroleum ether extract was 200 mg/kg body weight and the LD50 dose for acetone extract, ethyl acetate extracts was 300 mg/kg body weight respectively. Diuretic activity was carried out and the parameters included were urine volume, PH and electrolytes. Furosemide was taken as standard drug. The results indicated that all the extracts have been shown a significant activity by an increase in all the parameters which was compared to the standard drug treated groups. Anthelmintic activity was carried at two different concentrations. Albendazole was taken as standard drug. All the extracts have been shown a significant anthelmintic activity in causing paralysis and death of earthworms which was compared to the reference drug treated groups.
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