To describe a standard operating procedure for breakdown rectification of air jet microniser.
To describe a standard operating procedure for breakdown rectification of air jet microniser.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method for breakdown rectification of microniser.
The responsibility of breakdown rectification of microniser lies with the staff of rank not lower than the maintenance engineer.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Rectification of product leak.
4.1.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.1.2 Close the compressed air valve.
4.1.3 Open the joints whereever the product is leaking.
4.1.4 Check the thread joints, if wornout replace them with new joints.
4.1.5 Check the gaskets and O rings, replace them if required.
4.1.6 Tighten the joints.
4.1.7 Open the air compressed valve and restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.1.8 Test the joints for leak.
4.2 Rectification of chocking of filter bags.
4.2.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.2.2 Close the compressed air valve.
4.2.3 Remove the top cover of the product collector.
4.2.4 Check the filter bag for chocking.
4.2.5 Dechock the filter bag or replace with new one.
4.2.6 Fix the top cover of the product collector.
4.2.7 Open the air valve.
4.2.8 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.3 Rectification of incomplete micronizing.
4.3.1 Check the air pressure, if it is less than specified pressure attend on air compressor.
4.3.2 Check for nozzle chocking. Dechok, if it chocked.
4.3.3 Dismantle the grinding unit and check grinding ring for any chocking and assemble it back after dechocking.
4.4 Rectification of presence of moisture in the product.
4.4.1 Check the moisture separation air filter. If there is any defect in filter replace it with new one.
4.5 Rectification of low rate of micronizing.
4.5.1 Check the vibrator for its effective working.
4.5.2 Check the air pressure if it is less than specified pressure, attend on the air compressor.
4.5.3 Check for chocking of lines. If the lines are chocked, dechock the lines.
Responsibility of recording the breakdown in the history card lies with the staff of rank not lower than the maintenance engineer.
Rectification of microniser, engineering, air jet microniser