Basic description of calibration, qualification and validation
The set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by material measure and the corresponding values of the measured. (National Conference of Standards Laboratories, NCSL RP-1, 1996).
The demonstration that a particular instrument or device produces results within specified limits by comparison with those produced by a traceable standard over an appropriate range of measurements. (FDA Guidance, part 7. Manufacturing, Processing, or Holding Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. Draft)
The action of proving that any equipment or process works correctly and consistently and produces the expected results. Qualification is part of, but not limited to, a validation process, i.e., installation qualification (IQ) , operation qualification (OQ) and performance qualification (PQ)
Establishing documented evidence that provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes.
Calibration, qualification, validation