To lay down the procedure for operation of Merck Digital Burette.
1.1 To lay down the procedure for operation of Merck Digital Burette.
2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This procedure is applicable for Quality Control department.
3.1 Junior Assistant/Senior Assistant – QC
3.2 Senior Executive – QC
4.1 Manager – QC
4.2 Asst. Manager – QC
5.1 Fix the Burette to the Bottle containing required titrant as per STP.
5.2 Switch on the Burette by pressing the upper on/off part of the on/off – Clear button.
5.3 The display is 00.00. If some other reading is displayed, then press the lower clear part of the on/off – clear button. Then the display will be 00.00.
5.4 Press the lower fill part of the Titr. – fill button.
5.5 Hold the left side knob in the left hand and the right side knob in the right hand.
5.6 Rotate both the hands at a time slowly and uniformly in clockwise direction until you are not able to rotate it further. The burette is filled now with the titrant.
5.7 Put some waste beaker beneath the burette tip.
5.8 Press the upper Titr. Part of the Titr. – fill button.
5.9 Rotate both the hands at a time slowly and uniformly in anti – clockwise direction until the digital display is 25.00 [for 25 mL burette] or 50.00 [for 50 mL burette].
5.10 Press the lower clear part of the on/off – clear button. Then the display will be 00.00.
5.11 Repeat steps 5.4 to 5.10 for two more times so that the burette is well rinsed with the titrant.
5.12 Repeat steps 5.4 to 5.6 the burette is in filled position now.
5.13 Remove the waste beaker and wipe the burette tip with a soft tissue paper to remove any droplet.
5.14 Place the titration vessel containing required reagents (as per STP) beneath the burette tip.
5.15 Rotate the knob slowly and uniformly in anti – clockwise direction with the titration vessel under stirring condition. Continue this until the end point is noticed.
5.16 Note the titre value displayed in the digital display.
5.17 After the completion of titration, press the upper Titr. Part of the Titr. – Fill button. Rotate both the hands at a time slowly and uniformly in anti – clockwise direction until you are not able to rotate it. Repeat step 5.10.
5.18 Remove the burette from the titrant bottle and fix it to another bottle containing distilled water.
5.19 Repeat steps 5.4 to 5.10 for two to three times so that the burette is well washed with the water. Remove the burette and keep it in its place properly.
Merck, digital burette, clear button, fill button, burette, digital display