To describe a standard operating procedure for charging of gas to refrigeration unit.
To describe a standard operating procedure for charging of gas to refrigeration unit.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method for charging of gas to refrigeration unit.
The responsibility of charging of gas to refrigeration unit lies with the staff of rank not lower than the junior utility operator.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Start the compressor.
4.2 Close the suction angular valve on the compressor.
4.3 Open the suction gauge line flare nut at the suction angular valve of the compressor.
4.4 Before charging the gas, check the weight of the cylinder and ensure that F22 freon gas is present sufficiently in the cylinder.
4.5 Place the cylinder near the compressor in horizontal position.
4.6 Fix and tighten the flare nut of the gas feeding capillary line to the cylinder.
4.7 Fix the flare nut of the gas feeding capillay line to the suction angular valve of the compressor.
4.8 Slightly release the gas from the cylinder and loosen the flare nut of the suction angular valve till the gas comes out by which we can eliminate the entry of air into the system.
4.9 Tighten the suction angular valve capillary flare nut.
4.10 Open the angular valve by 3 - 4 turns.
4.11 Open the cylinder valve by 5 to 6 turns and observe the discharge pressure gauge.
4.12 Let the discharge pressure gauge raise by 5 PSI more than the earlier pressure. If the discharge pressure is exceeding 260 PSI stop charging the compressor by closing the cylinder valve.
4.13 Tighten the cylinder valve and close the suction angular valve.
4.14 Remove the flare nut and disconnect the charging pipe line from the suction angular valve.
4.15 Connect the suction gauge line and slightly open the suction angular valve and observe the suction gauge.
4.16 Leak test should be done immediately. If any leak is found rectify the leak and ensure that the gas pressure is 15 - 25 PSI and 35 - 50 PSI at 0 degree C and +15 degree C respectively for brine and chilled refrigeration units respectively.
4.17 If the pressure is low repeat steps 4.1 to 4.16.
4.18 After completion of charging the gas weigh the cylinder and put a gross weight tag to the cylinder.
Refrigeration unit, engineering, refrigeration unit