To lay down the procedure for Cleaning of chemical and instrument lab
1.1 To lay down the procedure for Cleaning of chemical and instrument lab.
4.1 XXXXXXXX – Quality Control
5.1Preparation of detergent solution:
5.1.1Preparation of 1.0 %Detergent solution: 1000 ml of distilled water in beaker. 10 ml of detergent solution and shake well.
5.1.2Preparation of 10 % IPA: 25 ml of IPA in 250 ml beaker. and dissolve with water and shake well.
5.2Cleaning of floor:
5.2.1Remove the dust with the help of Vacuum cleaner.
5.2.2Collect the accumulated dust from the vacuum collector and put into the closed dustbin.
5.2.3Discharge the dustbin in to out side dustbin located at out side of quality control.
5.2.4Mop the floor with 1.0 % detergent solution in water and wipe with sponge/dry cloth.
5.2.5Cleaning shall be carried out once in a day.
5.3Cleaning of windows, doors, walls and sealing:
5.3.1Windows and doors shall be cleaned with 1.0 % detergent solution and finally cleaned with dry cloth.
5.3.2Windows and doors shall be cleaned once in a day.
5.3.3Windows grooves shall be cleaned once in ten days for removing the dust.
5.3.4Walls shall be cleaned once in ten days by using vacuum cleaner.
5.3.5If any strains of the wall shall be cleaned with 1% detergent and finally clean with dry cloth.
5.3.6Ceiling and corner of the ceiling shall be cleaned with vacuum cleaner to remove the webs.
5.3.7Sealing and walls shall be cleaned once in ten days.
5.4Cleaning of work benches:
5.4.1Clean the dust with sponge.
5.4.2Clean the benches with 1.0 % detergent solution and wipe with sponge/dry cloth.
5.4.3If any stains remains on the workbench remove then with the help of 70% IPA solution.
5.4.4Cleaning shall be once in a day.
5.5Cleaning of the instruments:
5.5.1Wipe the instruments with sponge to remove the dust.
5.5.2Cleaning shall be once in a day.
5.5.3Remove the dust from back side of the instrument by vacuum cleaner once in 15 days.
5.5.4Clean the instruments with 10%IPA in water and finally mop with dry cloth once in 15 days.
5.6Document cupboards and reagent racks:
5.6.1All document cupboards and reagent racks shall be cleaned once in 15 days.
Instrument lab, chemical, quality control