To lay down the Procedure for Inwarding the daily activities related to microbiology.
To lay down the Procedure for Inwarding the daily activities related to microbiology.
2.0 SCOPE:
This SOP is applicable for inwarding the daily activities related to the microbiology department in the microbiology inward register.
Microbiologist : To perform the procedure as per SOP
Head – Quality control: To ensure the compliance of SOP.
4.1 The work that is performed must be entered in the inward register.
4.1.1 Analytical Reference Number (A.R.Number) shall be allotted for each sample received at / collected by the microbiology dept. (Quality control) for analysis. The details of the sample shall be entered in the Inward register.
4.1.2 Inward register shall exhibit for entries as given in Annexure-I.
4.1.3 The Analytical Reference Number is given for Every Activity / Analysis / Miscellaneous that is related to microbiology laboratory i.e., For Disinfectant solution preparations, Cell suspensions, Cultures purity and Transfers, Monitoring activities, Validations, Fumigation, Personal Hygiene tests etc.
4.1.4 Each and every single activity is assigned with A.R.No.
4.2 A.R.No.:
4.2.1 The number starts with year (YY), department (MB) and sequential number (NNNN).
4.2.2 The number resembles as YYMBNNNN.
Y |
Y |
M |
B |
N |
N |
N |
N |
4.2.3 The numbering system must be in a sequential order. (0001,0002,0003 etc.)
4.2.4 For example, the first activity that is performed during the starting of the year is assigned as 16MB0001. and the second activity is assigned as 16MB0002 and like wise.
Quality control, microbiology, analytical reference