To provide a procedure to operate and maintain the Electropharma make EMS-8 Sieve shaker.
To provide a procedure to operate and maintain the Electropharma make EMS-8 Sieve shaker
The procedure is applicable for calibrating the Electropharma make EMS-8 Sieve shaker used at the Quality Control department..
It is the responsibility of the Quality Control personnel involved in the operation of
Sieve shaker to follow the procedure as mentioned in this Standard Operating Procedure.
1.1 Check that the instrument is clean and free from dust, if not, clean with a soft
cloth duster.
2.1 Do not remove the sieves roughly from the apparatus as there may flying of the
sample left in the sieves will be little in quantity.
3.1 Connect the plug to the main power supply.
3.2 Switch on the instrument by pressing the ON/OFF key.
3.3 The Display will show < TIME POWER
99 15
3.4 The < symbol indicates the Mode of operation selected.
3.5 The user can set the desired mode of operation either in continuous or increment.
3.6 The time can be set from 1 min to 99 min and the power level can be varied from 5 to 20 by using INCREMENT/DECREMENT key provided on the front panel of the instrument.
3.7 Place the selected sieve on the base firmly so that the ‘0’ ring of the sieve fits to the receiver.
3.8 Weigh accurately about ’20 g’ of sample to be tested on a analytical weighing balance using a butter paper. Transfer the sample (taking care not to spill the sample) on to the sieve kept on the equipment.
3.9 Replace the base plate on top of the sieve assembly and also replace the screws and tighten them uniformly.
3.10 Start the sieve shaker by pressing ‘Start’ button.
3.11 The display will show the elapsed time and the set value for power.
3.12 When sieving is completed, instrument stops and beeps and the stop LED glows.
3.13 Remove the tightening screws and the base plate.
3.14 Remove the sieve and place it on a clean butter paper.
3.15 Remove the receiver from its place. Carefully transfer the sample on to a butter paper, previously tared on balance. Weigh the sample.
3.16 The difference in the weights gives the amount of sample that has passed through the specified sieve.
3.17 Powder fineness particle size is calculated using the formula :
Weight of sample passed through the specified mesh
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------x 100
Weight of sample (g)
3.18 Clean the sieve and the receiver using a soft brush (sonicate if necessary and rinse to dryness) and keep in the specified place.
3.19 A maximum of 8 sieves can be placed on the base in the descending order of the sieve opening .
3.20 Switch off the mains.
Electropharma, clean with a soft, tightening screws