To describe a standard operating procedure for numbering and checking of Eye wash cum water showers at different locations in the plant.
To describe a standard operating procedure for numbering and checking of Eye wash cum water showers at different locations in the plant.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method for the numbering and checking of Eye wash cum water showers at different locations in the plant.
The responsibility of numbering the Eye wash cum water showers lies with the staff of rank not lower than the Maintenance Engineer of maintenance department and the responsibility of checking lies with the staff of rank not lower than technician of Maintenance department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Identification nos. for the Eye wash cum water showers shall be given as EWS xxx where EWS stands for Eye wash cum water shower and xxx stands for serial no. of the Eye wash cum water shower i.e. 001, 002 etc. Identification no. shall be displayed on Eye wash cum water shower.
4.2 Eye wash Unit :
4.2.1 Ensure the filters of the Eye wash unit are clean.
4.2.2 Check the Eye wash unit operation by operating the foot pedal of the equipment.
4.2.3 Ensure the water spraying from the both nozzles.
4.2.4 If the water is not spraying at desired level, check for clogging of the water inlet line and rectify the same.
4.2.5 Record the cleaning and rectification data as per Annexure-I.
4.3 Water Shower Unit :
4.3.1 Open the hand lever operated, ball valve, connected to the unit.
4.3.2 Ensure the water spraying from the shower unit to the desired level.
4.3.3 If the water is not spraying to the desired levels, check for clogging of the water line/valve condition and rectify the same.
4.3.4 Record the cleaning and rectification data as per Annexure-I
4.4 Frequency: Checking shall be carried out once in a week.
The responsibility of recording the checking details in the Annexures lies with the staff of the rank not lower than the Supervisor of Maintenance Department.
Numbering and checking of eye wash, water shower, engineering,