To describe a standard operating procedure for prevention of accidents while carrying out the mechanical operations.
To describe a standard operating procedure for prevention of accidents while carrying out the mechanical operations.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method to be followed in prevention of accidents while carrying out the mechanical operations.
The responsibility of following safety methods for the prevention of the accidents lies with each and every person who is attending a maintenance job.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Do not carryout welding without specified face shield and hand gloves.
4.2 Whenever any welding is carriedout, the equipment shall be earthed directly.
4.3 Whenever cutting is carriedout one man should stay near the cylinder in emergency to close the gas valve.
4.4 All the chain pulley blocks are to be serviced at regular intervals and certified by a competent authority once in a year.
4.5 Goggles has to be used at the time of grinding or chipping.
4.6 When the people are doing welding, cutting or any fitting work on a tower, standard safety belts have to be used.
4.7 Use proper tools at the time of work.
4.8 Safety shoes should be worn while on duty.
4.9 Never go to rotating equipment in loose uniform.
4.10 Always keep the working area clean, neat and free from oily substances.
4.11 Before undertaking a welding work in the block, a clearance must be taken in specified form (form enclosed).
Prevention of accidents, mechanical operations, engineering