To describe a standard operating procedure for cleaning of condenser tubes of refrigeration compressors.
To describe a standard operating procedure for cleaning of condenser tubes of refrigeration compressors.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method for cleaning of condenser tubes of refrigeration compressors.
The responsibility of cleaning the condenser tubes of refrigeration compressors lies with the staff of rank not lower than the junior utility operator.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Close the condenser inlet and outlet water valves.
4.2 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.3 Keep "under maintenance" board to the main feeder.
4.4 Remove the head bolts and head on the rear side of the condenser.
4.5 Remove the gasket of the head gently and place it in a safe place.
4.6 Check for gas leakage from condensor tubes by applying soap solution.
4.7 If any leakage of gas is found, call for an external service for rectification.
4.8 Brush the tubes of the condenser one by one by using a 1/4 size nylon brush attached to a 5 feet long rod.
4.9 Brush each tube 2 to 3 times.
4.10 The dirt remained on another side will be flushed out by slightly opening and closing the condenser inlet and outlet water valves.
4.11 Fix the gasket to the head in correct position and fix the head to the condenser.
4.12 Tighten all the bolts and open the condenser inlet and outlet water valves.
4.13 For descaling of the condenser proceed from steps 4.14.1 to 4.14.6.
4.14.1 Close the condenser water valves.
4.14.2 Prepare a dilute 10% salphamic acid solution in PP drum.
4.14.3 Pump this solution into the condenser by connecting hoses to inlet and outlet nipples provided to the condenser water lines.
4.14.4 Pump the solution till the scale is removed or for 1 hour approximately.
4.14.5 Circulate fresh water in the condenser for 5 min.
4.14.6 Remove all hose connections and close the nipple valves.
4.14.7 Open the condenser inlet and outlet water valves.
Refrigeration, preparing, electrically, condensor, outlet nipples