To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for handing over and taking charge of prodution operation in shifts.
To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for handing over and taking charge of prodution operation in shifts.
2.0 SCOPE:
The SOP describes in detail the method of handing over and taking charge of prodution operation in shifts.
The responsibility of handing over and taking charge of production operation in shifts as per the SOP lies with the staff of rank not lower than operator of production department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the SOP lies with the Officer (Production), Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Handing over and taking charge supervisor to supervisor.
4.1.1 The incomming shift supervisor shall go through the log book written in the earlier shift by the outgoing shift supervisor.
4.1.2 The outgoing shift supervisor along with the incomming shift supervisor shall move in the block and the outgoing shift supervisor shall explain the ongoing operations in brief.
4.1.3 The outgoing shift supervisor shall hand over the tools, log book, instruction book and batch manufacturing sheets etc., to the incomming shift supervisor.
4.1.4 The outgoing shift supervisor shall hand over the stocks of raw materials and intermediates, etc., to the incomming shift supervisor.
4.1.5 The outgoing shift supervisor shall briefly indicate the instructions written in the instruction book.
4.1.6 The incomming shift supervisor shall sign in the log book that he has taken charge of all the operations. The outgoing supervisor shall be relieved.
4.1.7 The time taken for handing over and taking charge shall be 15 min.
4.2 Handing over and taking charge : Operator to operator.
4.2.1 The outgoing operator and incomming operator shall move together and outgoing operator shall explain the operations in brief to the incomming operator.
4.2.2 The outgoing operator shall handover the batch manufacturing sheets to the incomming operator.
4.2.3 The time taken for handing over and taking charge shall be 10 min.
The handing over and taking charge operations of Supervisor to Supervisor shall be recorded in every shift in the log book by the Shift Supervisor.
Production, production, operation