To describe the standard operating procedure for operation of diesel generator.
To describe the standard operating procedure for operation of diesel generator.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method for operation of diesel generator.
The responsibility of operating the diesel generator lies with the staff of rank not lower than the junior utility operator of maintenance department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager-Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Starting Procedure :
4.1.1 Switch on toggle switch of the genset, the glowing of red bulb indicates the batteries are in connected position.
4.1.2 Rotate the genset key to the start position and simultaneously press the start button till the genset cranks.
4.1.3 After the oil pressure gauge attains 3 kg/cm2 for 125 KVA DG set and 1 kg/cm2 for 250KVA DG Set, release the key from "Start" position to "Run" position.
4.1.4 The red indicating bulb stops glowing, this indicates the batteries are in charging position.
4.1.5 Run the genset at 1000 RPM for 2 to 3 min.
4.1.6 Raise the engine RPM to 1500 by rotating the governor vernier towards clockwise direction for Manual Governor DG Set and change position of the RPM toggle switch to 1500 RPM for Electronic Governor DG Sets.
4.1.7 Parameters to be maintained while the DG Set is in operation : The oil pressure should not be less than3 kg/cm2 for 125 KVA DG Set and 2 kg/cm2 for 250KVA DG Set. Frequency of the voltage should be in the range of 50-52 Hz. Coolant temperature should not exceed 95 degree C. Oil temperature should not exceed 105 degree C. The voltage should be 415 + 3%.
4.1.8 If the parameters are within the limits, switch "ON" the MCB and load the generator not exceeding 80% of the full load capacity.
4.1.9 Record the readings in the Format No.: xxxxx as shown in the Annexure-I
4.1.10 Record the readings for every 1 hour of operation.
4.2 Stopping procedure :
4.2.1 Switch "OFF" the MCB.
4.2.2 Decrease the genset RPM to 1000 by rotating the governor vernier towards Anticlockwise direction for Manual Governor DG Set and change position of the RPM toggle switch to 1000 RPM for Electronic Governor DG Sets.
4.2.3 Run the generator at 1000 RPM for 3 to 5 min.
4.2.4 Turn the generator key to "OFF" position. The generator will be stopped.
4.2.5 Switch "OFF" the toggle switch.
4.3 In emergency, when any cable short circuit happens or any abnormality is observed over its limits, switch 'OFF' the MCB and turn the generator key to 'OFF' position.
4.4 If the generator engine does not start even after 30 seconds of cranking, release the start button and follow the steps mentioned in SOP BREAKDOWN RECTIFICATION OF THE DIESEL GENERATOR.
4.5 If the parameters given in to are not within limits stop the genset and follow SOP BREAKDOWN RECTIFICATION OF THE DIESEL GENERATOR
4.6 Carry out the ‘A’ check, ‘B’ check, ‘C’ check and ‘D’ check for DG Set as per the Preventive maintenance schedule and SOP PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF DIESEL GENERATOR.
The responsibility of recording the various parameters in the format lies with the staff of rank not lower than the junior utility operator.
Diesel generator, engineering, coolant temperature