To describe standard operating procedure for regeneration and operation of Demineralised water plant.
To describe standard operating procedure for regeneration and operation of Demineralised water plant.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method of Regeneration and operation of Demineralised water plant.
The responsibility of Regenerating and operating the Demineralised water plant lies with the staff of rank not lower than the chargeman of maintenance department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Executive - Maintenance, Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1.1 Back wash: Strong acid cation bed is back washed by opening valves V5 & V6 and closing valves V1, V2, V3, V4 and V7. Weak base anion bed is backwashed by opening valves V7, V31 and V32 and close valves V6, V8, V14, V15 and V12. Strong base anion bed is backwashed by opening valves V8, V16 and V17 and closing valves V31, V32, V9, V10, V13, and V18. Mixed bed is backwashed by opening valves V18, V33 & V27 and closing valves V17, V22, V19, V28, V34, V35, V26, V20, V29, V30.
4.1.2 Regeneration of strong Acid cation bed (S.A.C): Strong acid cation bed is back washed by opening valves V5 & V6 and closing valves V1, V2, V3, V4 and V7. Weak base anion bed is backwashed by opening valves V7, V31 and V32 and close valves V6, V8, V14, V15 and V12. Strong base anion bed is backwashed by opening valves V8, V16 and V17 and closing valves V31, V32, V9, V10, V13, and V18. Mixed bed is backwashed by opening valves V18, V33 & V27 and closing valves V17, V22, V19, V28, V34, V35, V26, V20, V29, V30. Prepare 210 L. of dilute Hcl by mixing 70 lits. of concentrated Hcl with 140 L. of DM water in a HDPE drum. Close valves V5, V7, Suck dilute HCl by opening valve V2, V3 and V4. Simultaneously feed raw water by opening valve V1, with the help of ejector, dilute Hcl along with water sucks into strong acid cation (SAC) bed. This process will be completed in about 45 min. Close valve V2 and continue 5 min. for slow rinsing. Open valve V5, close valve V1 and V3 and wash the column with water for about 20 min by opening valve V6.
4.1.3 Regeneration of weak base anion and strong base anion beds (W.B.A): After washing is completed, close V6. Prepare alkali solution by dissolving 16 kgs NaoH flakes in 160 L. DM water. Open valves V7 and V9, V10, V11, V12 and then V13. Suck alkali solution through valve V13 for about 35 min. into the beds. Close valve V13 & rinse slowly for about 5 min. Close valves V8, V9, V10, V11 and open V14 and continue washing with water till pH of the W.B.A is 6 to 7. Close valves V12, V18, open valves V15, V16, V17 and continue washing with water till pH of the S B A is 9-10.
4.1.4 Regeneration of mixed bed (M.B): Prepare alkali solution by dissolving 1.4 kg of NaoH in 14 lits of water. Also prepare dilute Hcl solution by diluting 4 L. of concentrated Hcl with 10 L. of DM water. Close Valve V17, open valves V18, V19, V20 and V21 and feed alkali to the mixed bed for about 10 min. with the help of ejector. Close valve V21 and continue washing for about 10 min. more. Close valve V19, open valves V22 and V23. Suck the Hcl with the ejector for about 10 min. Close valve V23 and continue washing for another 5 min. Stop water supply to the DM plant. Close valves V18, V20, V22, V25 and open valves V26, V27 and V24 in that order. Allow air mixing for about 10 min. Close valves V24, V26, V27 open V25.
4.2 Start water supply, open valves V18, V28, V29 and continue washing till the pH is 5 to 7.
4.3 After getting pH 5 - 7, collect the water from V29 and send the sample to QC laboratory for analysis of pH and conductivity along with request cum test report as per format xxxxx as shown in Annexure-I.
4.4 If the sample passes both the tests, collect the water into the SS316L DM water storage tank (T-01) through U-V lamp and flow meter by closing valve V29 and by opening valve V30.
4.5 If the sample does not pass the tests, repeat the DM water regeneration.
4.6 Record the DM water plant Regeneration data in the Register MTCE/Reg/016 as shown in Annexure-II.
4.7 Record the DM plant operation data for every 10 – 15 min. of operation in the Register MT/Reg/017 as shown in Annexure-III.
4.8 DM water batch No. shall be given for every 24 hrs. of operation as DM/YY/XXX.
Where DM - Stands for DM water
YY - Stands for current financial year.
XXX - Stands for DM water batch no.
4.9 Ensure that the DM water in the SS316L storage tank (T-01) is completely drained prior to collection of New batch DM water.
4.10 Flow diagram of DM water plant is shown in Annexure-IV.
The DM water plant shall be regenerated when the conductivity exceeds 1.0 µs/cm (Acceptance limit for conductivity is not more than 1.3 µs/cm).
The responsibility of recording the regeneration and operation data as per the Annexures lies with the staff of rank not lower than the chargeman.
Demineralised water plant, engineering, strong acid