To have a written procedure for Electronic data storage and reading.
To have a written procedure for Electronic data storage and reading.
To store and read the instrumental analytical data in the form of electronic data storage.
It is the responsibility of Executive Quality Control to follow this SOP.
SOP : Nil.
Form : Electronic data storage current form
Electronic Data Storage :
1.0 Copy the required data from the source computer to the destination CD writer CD to be written.
2.0 If the data copying is not possible directly, follow the procedure as per the instrument software.
3.0 Write the copied data from hard disk to CD.
4.0 Before removing the CD ensure that the required data is copied.Precautions :
5.0 Store the copied CDs protected from heat and dust.
6.0 During file copying the source computer should not be switched off.
7.0 While copying the files do not perform any other operations on target computer.
Retrieving of stored Electronic Data :
8.0 Stored electronic data should be opened through the supported software only.
9.0 Load the CD in the drive.
10.0 Open the file through software as per the procedure of the instrument software. Here select the CD Drive instead of computer hard disk.
CD Numbering system :
11.0 Electronic data in stored CDs shall have numbering system for easy traceability.
12.0 Numbering should be as follows…..
Frequency of storage : First week of every month , data storage period is from 1st
to the last date of that particular± month.
13.0 Data shall be deleted on from the individual systems after writing the data into CDs.
Data storage, retrieving, copying, procedure, precautions