To describe standard operating procedure for Numbering and calibration of dip rods using for Solvent/Chemical measurement in barrels and under ground storage tanks.
To describe standard operating procedure for Numbering and calibration of dip rods using for Solvent/Chemical measurement in barrels and under ground storage tanks.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method of Numbering and calibration of dip rods using for Solvent/Chemical measurement in barrels and under ground storage tanks.
The responsibility of Numbering and calibration of dip rods using for Solvent/Chemical measurement in barrels and under ground storage tanks lies with the staff of rank not lower than the maintenance engineer of maintenance department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Identification nos. for the dip rods shall be given as DR XXX where DR stands for dip rod and XXX stands for serial no. of the dip rod i.e. 001, 002 etc.
4.2 Identification no. shall be marked on dip rod using letter/number punch.
4.3 Dip rods used for measuring the volume of the Solvent/Chemical in the barrels graduated in liter with least count of 1 liter.
4.4 Dip rods used for under ground storage tanks are graduated in liters with least count of 100 Lts.
4.5 Calibration of dip rods shall be carried out with Master steel rule / Master steel measurement tape which is calibrated, traceability to the national standards.
4.6 Calibration shall be carried out at 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm and 80 cm for dip rods, using for measurement of solvent/chemicals in the barrels.
4.7 Calibration shall be carried out at 55 cm, 83 cm, 126 cm and 129 cm for dip rods, using for measurement of solvent/chemicals in 10 KL storage tanks.
4.8 Calibration shall be carried out at 25 cm, 82 cm, 105.5 cm and 127 cm for dip rods, using for measurement of solvent/chemicals in 15 KL storage tanks.
4.9 Compare the Master steel rule / Master steel measurement tape readings (Centimeter) with the actual readings (Centimeter) of the dip rods corresponding to volume.
4.10 Find the difference and record the readings as per Annexure-I.
4.11 A standard chart indicating the dip rod measurement in liters and the corresponding centimeters are given in Annexure-II for calibration of dip rods.
4.12 A standard chart indicating the dip rod measurement in liters and the corresponding centimeters are given in Annexure-III for calibration of dip rods of under storage tanks.
4.13 Acceptance criteria : ±1% of FSD
4.14 If the difference is beyond the Acceptance criteria, dip rod shall be replaced with new duly numbered and calibrated.
4.15 Whenever the dip rod damages in view of shape and size, replace with new duly numbered and calibrated.
4.16 A register showing the date of issue of dip rods to the various production Blocks/Other departments shall be maintained at general stores as per Annexure-V.
4.17 A calibration tag shall be displayed on the dip rod showing the following details.
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4.14 Frequency : once in a year ± 15 days.
The responsibility of recording the calibration details in the register as per the Annexures lies with the staff of rank not lower than the Engineer of Maintenance department and the responsibility of recording the issues of dip rods to the various Production Blocks/Other departments as per the Annexure lies with staff of rank not lower than stores supervisor.
Dip rods using for solvent, chemical measurement, engineering, under ground storage tanks