To describe a standard operating procedure for numbering and checking of clocks at various locations in the plant.
To describe a standard operating procedure for numbering and checking of clocks at various locations in the plant.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method for numbering and checking of clocks at various locations in the plant to minimize the discrepancies in recording time.
The responsibility of checking of clocks at various locations in the plant lies with the staff of rank not lower than Junior Utility Operator of maintenance department.
The responsibility of preparation, review and approval of the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager- Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Numbering:
4.1.1 Identification numbers for the Clocks shall be given as CLXX where ‘CL’ stands for the Clock and XX stands for serial no. of the Clock ie., 01,02…
4.1.2 Identification No. shall be marked on the Clock.
4.2 Calibration:
4.2.1 The junior utility operator of maintenance department shall go to the quality control laboratory and set his wrist watch time with the standard digital timer clock which is calibrated to the traceability with the national physical laboratory or the authorized agency.
4.3 He shall then go to various locations where the clocks are positioned and checks the time.
4.4 Record the observations in the Format No: xxxxx as shown in the Annexure-I
4.4 In case of any deviation, he shall adjust the time of that clock and records his observations in Annexure-I
4.5 Acceptance criteria : + 10 minutes
4.6 If the deviation is beyond the acceptance criteria, the clock shall be repaired/ rectified by replacing the cell and observe for 1 hour.
4.7 Even after replacing the cell, if the deviation is beyond the acceptance criteria, replace the clock with the new.
4.8 Record the rectification/ replacement data in Annexure-II.
4.9 Replace the cell frequently for every 3 months.
4.10 Frequency: Once in a week + 1 day.
4.11 Inspection Tag shall be tied for the clocks and is as follows:
Identification No. |
: |
Location |
: |
Checked on |
: |
Next due on |
: |
Checked by |
: |
Signature |
: |
The responsibility of recording the data of checking and rectification of clocks at various locations of the plant in the register as shown in Annexure - I lies with the staff of rank not lower than the junior utility operator of maintenance department.
Checking of clocks, various locations, engineering, recording time