To lay down the procedure for the cleaning and operation of Laminar Air flow.
To lay down the procedure for the cleaning and operation of Laminar Air flow.
2.0 SCOPE:
This procedure is applicable to the cleaning & operation of Laminar Air flow in Microbiology laboratory.
Microbiologist: To perform the activity
Head- Quality Control: To ensure the compliance of the SOP.
4.1 Cleaning:
4.1.1 Clean the outer surface and working table of Laminar Airflow Workstation with disinfectant solution (Filtered 70% IPA) by the help of lint free cloth.
4.1.2 Clean the laminar airflow before and after every operation.
4.1.3 Clean the outer surface of laminar airflow daily.
4.1.4 Clean pre-filter of laminar airflow once in a month with compressed air.
4.2 Operation:
4.2.1 Switch ‘ON’ the Laminar Airflow and UV light before 30 minutes of the analysis.
4.2.2 Switch off the UV light after 30 minutes and record the UV light Cumulative hours
4.2.3 Monitor and record the DP as per specified limit (10-15 mm of water coloumn).
4.2.4 Perform the microbiological analysis under the Laminar airflow.
4.2.5 After completions of analysis clean the platform of laminar airflow with 70% IPA
and switch on the UV light for minimum 30 minutes. After completion of 30min.switch off the UV light.
4.2.6 Record the details of Usage and Cleaning for Laminar Air Flow.
4.3 Precautions:
4.3.1 Do not switch on the UV light during working period.
4.3.2 If the manometer reading is less than 10 mm or more than 15 mm of water, inform Engineering Department immediately.
Air flow, cleaning, microbiology