To lay down the Procedure for the operation, Calibration and cleaning of BOD Incubator.
To lay down the Procedure for the operation, Calibration and cleaning of BOD Incubator.
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2.0 SCOPE:
This SOP is applicable to operation, Calibration and cleaning of BOD Incubator in Microbiology laboratory.
Microbiologist : To perform the procedure as per SOP
Head – Quality control: To ensure the compliance of SOP.
4.1 General cleaning:
4.1.1 Clean the equipment with a cloth dipped in disinfectant solution
4.1.2 Frequency: Once in a week.
4.1.3 Record the cleaning in
4.2 Precautions:
4.2.1 Check the calibration status of the temperature indicator cum controller.
4.2.2 Ensure that unit is kept at least 2 feet away from the wall.
4.2.3 Check the latch of glass door is properly locked or not.
4.3 Equipment details:
• Capacity :200Litres
• Temperature Range: 5 - 60 °C
• Accuracy : ± 2?C
Control System: Microprocessor based PID Controller facility with Digital display and it is connected to PT-100 Sensor.
4.3.1 Insert plug into main electric supply.
4.3.2 Switch on the main electric supply.
4.3.3The display will show ambient temperature. Now set other parameter as given below.
4.3.4 Setting temperature: To change operating parameter of the controller press SET switch and enter in to SET Mode. At first press the SET switch from normal operating mode SET temperature will start flickering, use UP and DOWN keys to increase or decrease the SET VALUE (Temperature) i.e. 22.5°C Range is 20°C to 25°C. After setting the Temperature press the ENTER key.
4.3.5 Setting Time &Date: After setting Temperature, press once again SET switch, set time display window will show flickering for any change of clock setting use UP & DOWN Key and set hours. Set minutes, month & year in the same manner. Load the material inside the incubator after it reaches the set temperature.
4.3.6 Setting time interval for printing: After setting time and date press again SET switch display will show –PI Then set time like 10,20,30 or in multiples of 10. Set time is 30 min.
4.3.7 Setting for printing: 01 - Record data in memory.
02 - Record data in memory and print.
03 - Clear memory. Attach printer to electric supply, and centronic port. Put on the printer, and press SET switch, Select 01 or 02 mode as per the requirement again press SET switch. Data will be printed. After taking print out of temperature record for the every 30 minutes of previous day, set 03 and Enter. Data will be erased.
4.3.8 Alarm signal: If temperature deviates ? 2°C from set temperature equipment starts giving beep sound till set temperature attained. Pressing ALM switch can stop alarm. Open the main door of BOD Incubator with the help of handle provided. Open the Acrylic door of BOD Incubator with the help of handle provided. Place the articles, which are to be incubated at 20°C to 25°C in respective Incubator In the same way incubate the articles at 30°C to35°C in their respective Incubator. Close the Acrylic door of BOD Incubator with the help of handle provided. To take out the articles, open the main door and then Acrylic door. Take out the articles and again close both the doors. Monitor the temperature and take out the print out daily. Enter the details of Incubation in its log record
4.4 Calibration:
4.4.1 Calibration shall be done by using External probes and Data logger.
4.4.2 Switch on the Instrument as described 4.3.1 to 4.3.3.
4.4.3 The incubators shall be calibrated 10°C, 30°C and 50°C.
4.4.4 Set the temperature to 10°C by pressing ? button &button holding to it and rotating fine and cork knobs.
4.4.4 When the display shows at set temperature maintain the temperature upto 3 hours.
4.4.5 Take the print out for every 15 minutes.
4.4.6 Acceptance range ± 2.0°C.
4.4.7 This procedure is applicable for same as 30°C & 50°C temperatures.
4.4.8 Temperature mapping shall be carried out by using Data Logger.
4.4.9 Frequency: once in a year / Whenever required.
4.5 Daily monitoring:
4.5.1 Place the thermometer inside the incubator and allow it for stabilization or else fix a thermometer permanently inside the incubator. After that note the display temperature of incubator and the display temperature of the thermometer.
4.5.2 Take the readings twice daily and note the readings in the Temperature Monitoring Record .
4.5.3 Acceptance range ± 0.2°C.
Bod incubator, microbiology, thermometer