To describe the standard operating procedure for the operation of an air compressor unit.
To describe the standard operating procedure for the operation of an air compressor unit.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method of operation of an air compressor unit.
The responsibility of operating an air compressor unit lies with the staff of rank not lower than the junior utility operator.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Starting Procedure :
4.1.1 Drain the water from the drain points of the Air receiver and After cooler.
4.1.2 Open inlet and outlet water valves of the compressor jacket.
4.1.3 Ensure that air receiver outlet valve is closed.
4.1.4 Inspect the oil level through oil level view glass. The level should be maintained between ½ and 3/4th of the level glass. Add oil if found low.
4.1.5 Ensure the Loading/unloading valve is kept in unloading position.
4.1.6 Press the low oil pressure cut out by-pass push button.
4.1.7 Simultaneously press the "ON" push button of an air compressor motor.
4.1.8 Release the "ON" push button after the motor starts.
4.1.9 After the motor attains full speed, ensure the oil pressure is 1kg/cm2 and release the low oil pressure cut out by-pass push button.
4.1.10 Change the position of the loading/unloading valve to the loading position.
4.1.11 Check whether the "Cut-in" and "Cut-out" pressures are within the range as shown in the annexure-I. If the ranges are not in order, set the loading/unloading valve till the required range obtains.
4.1.12 Open the air receiver outlet valve.
4.1.13 Record the readings in the Format No.: xxxxx as shown in Annexure-II.
4.1.14 Drain water from water drain outlets for every 30 minutes.
4.2 Stopping Procedure :
4.2.1 Change the loading/unloading valve to the unloading position.
4.2.2 Switch "OFF" the air compressor motor.
4.2.3 Close the inlet and outlet water valve of the compressor jacket.
4.2.4 Close the air receiver outlet valve.
4.3 If pressure is not developed when the compressor is started, stop the compressor and follow SOP BREAKDOWN RECTIFICATION OF AN AIR COMPRESSOR..
The responsibility of recording the various parameters in the format lies with the staff of rank not lower than the junior utility operator.
Air compressor, operation, air compressor motor, engineering