To lay down the procedure for operation of perkin elmer UV/VIS spectrometer.
1.1 To lay down the procedure for operation of millennium32 software system administration operations.
2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This SOP is applicable for quality control department.
3.1 Executive – QC
4.1 Manager – QC
4.2 Administrator - Millennium
5.1 Power up the computer system:
5.1.1 Switch on the computer.
5.1.2 The windows desktop appears once the computer is powered up asking to log-on to the operating system.
5.1.3 Hold Ctrl and Alt buttons, then press Delete button. Windows 2000 screen appears.
5.1.4 Enter the user name, password and domain name to log on to “Millennium32” domain.
5.2 Starting up the Millennium32 software:
5.2.1 To start millennium32 software, click the start button located in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
5.2.2 Select Programs > Millennium32 > Millennium32 Login or double click on Millennium32 login icon located on the desktop. The millennium32 login window appears.
5.2.3 Click on “Login…” button. Millennium32 login windows appears.
5.2.4 Enter the allotted user name of the individual, password of the individual, and the database as “Millennium32.Millennium32” to log on to the Millennium32.
5.3 Logging out of Millennium32 software.
5.3.1 To log out of the Millennium32 software, close all Millennium32 applications, then select Logout or select File>Logout from the Millennium32 login window.
5.4 User types:
5.4.1 User creation should be raised before new user generation: Access the configuration manager on a client. Right-click in the tree pane. From the shortcut menu, select New > User type. The new user type dialog box appears. In the user type text box, type a name for the new user type, then click OK. The user type properties dialog box appears. In the management tab, select the management privileges to be assigned to this user type.
Note: You cannot assign privileges that you do not have. Privileges you do not have will be grayed out. In order to create an administrator account, you must be logged in as an administrator. If you select the Administrator privilege in the management property tab, the software automatically enables all other privileges on all three property tabs after you click apply or close. A message box also appears, requesting you to confirm this. Click the methods tab, then select the method privileges you want to assign to this user type. Click the data acquisition tab, then select the data acquisition privileges you want to assign to this user type. Click OK. The user type is created and the name of the new user type appears in the tree view under the user types node.
5.4.2 Modifying user types with appropriate comment and reason: Access the configuration manager on a client. Expand the user types node in the tree pane. The list of user types is displayed under this node in the tree pane and in the view table. Right-click the user type that you want to view or change, then select properties from the shortcut menu. The user type properties dialog box appears. Select or deselect privileges in the management, methods, and data acquisition property pages to add or remove them from the user type. When you finish modifying the user type properties, click OK to save your changes in the Millennium32 database.
5.4.3 Deleting user type with appropriate comment: Access the configuration manager on a client. Expand the user types node in the tree pane. The list of types is displayed under this node in the tree pane and in the view table. Right-click the user type that you want to delete. From the shortcut menu, select delete. The delete confirmation dialog box appears. Click yes. The user type(s) is deleted from the Millennium32 database and is removed from the configuration manager tree.
5.5 User accounts (Users):
5.5.1 Creating user accounts: Access the configuration manager on a client. Right-click in the tree pane. From the shortcut menu, select New>User. The new user dialog box appears. In the user name text box, type an appropriate user name (up to 30 alphanumeric characters). In the full name text box, type the first and last names of the new user. From the user type drop-down list box, select a user type. The user type chosen determines the privileges granted to the user. To require that the user enter a password when logging in to the Millennium32 software, select the password required check box. Do not check the web server login allowed check box. Click OK. The user account is created and the name of the new user appears in the view.
5.5.2 Modifying or viewing user accounts: Access the configuration manager on a client. Expand the users node in the tree pane. The list of users is displayed under this node in the tree pane and in the view table. Right-click the user whose properties you want to view or change. From the shortcut menu, select Properties. The user properties dialog box appears. Make appropriate changes to the fields and controls in the following property tabs. General tab – use this tab if you need to make changes to the full name, user type, account status, password required and allow web server login fields. Table font preferences tab – use this tab if you need to make changes to the fonts displayed for this user in Millennium32 tables. Table color preferences tab – use this tab if you need to make changes to the colors displayed for this user in Millennium32 tables. Plot font preferences tab – use this tab if you need to make changes to the fonts displayed for this user in Millennium32 plots. Plot color preferences tab – use this tab if you need to make changes to the colors displayed for this user in Millennium32 plots. When you finish modifying the user properties, click OK to save your changes in the Millennium32 database.
5.5.3 Deleting user accounts: Access the configuration manager on a client. Expand the users node in the tree pane. The list of users is displayed under this node in the tree pane and in the view table. Right-click the user that you want to delete, then select delete from the shortcut menu. The delete confirmation dialog box appears. Click yes or yes to all (if you are deleting multiple users). The user account(s) is deleted from the millennium32 database and is removed from the configuration manager tree.
5.5.4 Creating new processing method: Access the project window. Click the channels tab to access the unprocessed channels data. Click, hold the Ctrl key, then click one of the sample. These two samples are selected in the channels table.
Note: Develop a processing method based on a standard with good signal to noise. If possible, use the lowest concentration standard to ensure that all your peaks of interest are deleted. Click the review tool to bring the standard and unknown into review. Review appears displaying a chromatogram of the first chosen channel in the upper plot pane. If it is not displayed, click the 2D channels tab to display the names and parameters of the selected channels. Maximize review to better view the 2D data (the chromatogram and the 2D channels table).
Note: If you use data acquired with a PDA, you must extract a 2D chromatogram from the 3D data to successfully complete this section of the tutorial. For details, enter extracting chromatograms in the find tab of the millennium32 help, then review tool channels tab. Click the integrate tool to integrate the chromatogram using the peak width and threshold settings. If necessary, you can manually adjust the processing method threshold value by entering a desired value in the text box. This setting adjusts integration by changing the peak start and end points. After setting this value, click the Integrate tool again to update the integration of the chromatogram.
Note: The threshold value is a slope measurement and is used to determine peak start and peak end points during peak detection. A relatively low threshold value will increase sensitivity and may allow relatively small peaks to be properly integrated. If too many small, baseline noise peaks are being integrated, raising the method threshold value may prevent these small peaks from being integrated. If necessary, you can adjust the minimum height or minimum area parameters to further refine the integration. To enter appropriate Minimum area or minimum height criteria, perform one of the following. Click the narrowest peak of interest with the smallest area, then click the minimum area tool to adjust the minimum area parameter. The software enters a value equivalent to 95% of the total area of the peak into the minimum area field.
Note: After setting Minimum area to specific peaks, the millennium32 software will continue to integrate that peak but will reject peaks more than 5% smaller than that peak. Click the shortest peak of interest, then click the minimum height tool to adjust the minimum height parameter. The software enters a value equivalent to 95% of the total height of the peak into the minimum height field.
Note: After setting minimum height to a specific peak, the millennium32 software will continue to integrate that peak but will reject peaks more than 5% smaller than that peak. Enter the appropriate value into the either the minimum area or minimum height field. After setting this value, click the integrate tool again to update the integration of the chromatogram. Click the processing method tool to access the processing method window. If necessary, click the integration tab. Maximize this window. In the integration events table, you can define time-specific detection/integration events for the selected chromatogram. Your chromatography may require the use of time-based integration events due to various factors (such as sloping baselines or negative peaks). For certain events, you must enter a start time in the time column and an end time in the stop column. Select the desired event from the drop-down list in the type column.
Note: For details, enter integration events in the find tab of the millennium32 help, then refer to the “Integration events” and the “Integration event table columns” topics in the find tab. Click the components property tab. The components property tab appears. Click the fill from results tool to fill default calibration parameters in the table using peaks from the current integration. Change the peak names to the desired names. Click the review main window tool. The review main window reappears. Select file>save>method to save the processing method. The save current processing method dialog box appears. Enter training processing method in the name field and add any helpful notes or comments into the comments field, then click save. The review main window reappears displaying the new processing method name in the status bar.
Note: If you previously completed the chapter 4 tutorials, the processing method name Training processing method appears in the list. When the software asks if you want to replace the old processing method with the one you are currently creating, select yes to overwrite the old method. A new version of the method will be created and the old method will still reside in the database. Click the integrate tool to update the integration of the chromatogram, then click the calibrate tool to name the components and to create calibration curves for each component from the selected standard. Click the calibration curve window tool to view the calibration curves. The calibration curve window appears. You can view the individual calibration curve of each component by selecting the components from the component drop-down list. Select file>save>calibration to save the calibration curve and to associate it with the processing method that is currently open. This automatically saves the results for the standard. Click the review main window tool. The review main window reappears,. Select the unknown in the 2D channels table by clicking the appropriate row in the table. This chromatogram appears in the review chromatogram plot pane. Click the integrate tool to integrate the current chromatogram using the current processing method parameters, then click the Quantitate tool to quantitate the current unknown. The chromatogram in the plot pane now contains component names based on the calibration curves generated from the standard samples. Click the peaks tab at the bottom of the review main window to display the peak results and calculated amounts for the unknown sample.
Note: To add more information to the peaks tab, right-click the table and choose. Click the results tool. The results window appears. The results window in review displays a detailed list of results such as the peak results, calibration curve information associated with the peak, and information related to the entire chromatogram. Select file > save > all to save the displayed results.
5.6 Creating new report method:
5.6.1 If it is not open already, open the project window. The project window displays the last tab used. Click the result sets tab. The results sets view table appears.
5.6.2 Select a view category (such as sample sets or injections) from the row of view tabs at the top of the view table. The corresponding view table appears.
5.6.3 Apply a view filter to the view table by selecting a filter from the filter by drop-down list.
5.6.4 Click to select the result set you want to review in the result sets view table, then click the review tool. Review appears and displays the daughter window that was last viewed. Click the review main window tool to display:
5.6.5 A plot of the first result of the set in the chromatogram plot pane.
5.6.6 The individual results of the result set listed in the 2D channels table review.
5.6.7 The data tree pane lists unknowns and standards that are part of the result set. To view the chromatogram of an unknown or standard:
5.6.8 Double-click the desired sample name in the data tree pane. The individual injections appear as sub-listings.
5.6.9 Click an injection to view its chromatogram in the plot pane.
5.6.10 Click the peaks tab to view peak data.
5.6.11 Click the results tool. The results window appears. View any information that interests you, such as peak results, chromatogram results, or calibration curve results.
5.6.12 Click the calibration curve tool in review. The calibration curve window appears.
5.6.13 The calibration curve window displays the calibration curve and calibration data for all of the standards that were processed to generate the curves. The calibration data are based on the component information listed in the component tab of the processing method window. The software generates a calibration curve for each component listed in the component tab (if amount were entered in the component editor). Select the component name from the component drop-down list to view the calibration curves and data for components in the calibration curve window.
5.6.14 View any information that interests you (such as the calibration curve), and then close review.
5.7 Preview and print report:
5.7.1 Access the project window, then click the results tab.
5.7.2 Select the result that you want to preview, then click the preview tool. Then open report method dialog box appears.
5.7.3 The report method formats the appearance of the report. Select use the following report method, then select the desired report method from the drop-down list. Click OK. The report publisher preview window appears displaying your chromatographic data in the specified report format.
5.7.4 Verify the report by going through all pages, if the report is satisfactory, click on sign off button.
5.7.5 Enter parameters like, user name, password and then select reason in sign off 1. Click on OK. Allow other person to review the report before taking a print.
5.7.6 Click the print tool to print the report from preview. The print dialog box appears.
5.7.7 Set the desired parameter settings. Click OK to print.
5.7.8 To review a report follow steps 5.7.1 to 5.7.7 except to use the sign off 2 instead of sign off 1. Follow the other steps as necessary.
5.8 Batch acquisition and processing:
5.8.1 From the Millennium32 login window, double-click run samples.
5.8.2 From the run samples dialog box, select your chromatographic system and click OK. The busLAC/E connection is established.
5.8.3 In the instrument method pane, select the required instrument method, click on setup. Instrument sets to the parameters available in the selected instrument method.
5.8.4 Click on “Monitor” button to view the detector signal, wait until the signal is stable and satisfactory.
5.8.5 In the run samples dialog box, click the samples tab and enter sample information in the sample table. Use the horizontal scroll bar to access all the information in each row.
5.8.6 Click (Amounts) on the toolbar, to enter the component name and concentration for each standard vial.
5.8.7 Select file> Save sample set method to save the method.
5.8.8 If the acquision is carried out in run only mode, highlight the desired sample set and click the channels tab. Select all standards and unknowns to process and click the process icon after right clicking.
5.8.9 In the processing area of the dialog box, select the use specified method set option. The drop-down list becomes active to allow you to choose the appropriate method set.
5.8.10 If recalibration is required, select the clear calibration check box.
5.8.11 Click OK to process the chromatogram.
Millennium, dialog box, dialog box, chromatogram, satisfactory, highlight