describe a standard operating procedure for the operation of treated water plant (Pre treatment of Raw water).
To describe a standard operating procedure for the operation of treated water plant (Pre treatment of Raw water).
2.0 SCOPE:
The Standard operating procedure describes in detail the method for operation of treated water plant (Pre treatment of Raw water) i.e. chlorination and dechlorination of Raw water.
The responsibility of operation of treated water plant as per the standard operating procedure lies with the staff of rank not lower than Chargeman of Maintenance Department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Executive – Maintenance, Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Pre treatment of Raw water for softner and other usages:
4.1.1 Prepare 50 L of sodium hypochlorite solution by mixing 3 Lts. of sodium hypochlorite (8-10% solution) with 47 L of DM water in Dosing tank (DT-01).
4.1.2 Sodium hypochlorite Dosing pump (DP-01) is interlocked with Borewell pump through flow switch i.e. Dosing shall takes place when Borewell pump is “ON” i.e. flow switch closes the circuit to switch on the Dosing pump automatically.
4.1.3 Switch on the Raw water pump (T-01).
4.1.4 Open the Multigrade Filter (MGF) valves V1 & V2 and Activated carbon filter valves V3 & V4 and collect the treated water in the treated water tank (T-44).
4.1.5 Dosing pump feed rate shall be adjusted in such a way that the free chlorine content in Raw water NMT 3 ppm.
4.1.6 Collect the sample from SP2 and test the sample for free chlorine content it should be NMT 3 ppm Record the same in the Register MTCE/Reg/020 as shown in Annexure-II.
4.1.7 Collect the water sample from SP24 and test the sample for free Chlorine content. It should be less than (or) equal to 0.5 ppm. Record the same in the Register MTCE/Reg/020 as shown in Annexure-II.
4.1.8 If the free Chlorine content is more than 0.5 ppm reduce the dosage of sodium hypochlorite by adjusting the feed rate of Dosing pump.
4.1.9 If the free Chlorine content is still more than 0.5 ppm, even after reducing the dosage at pump, give the back wash to MGF for about 10 to 15 min. by opening the valves V5 and V6 (while giving the back wash, valves V1, V2, V3 and V4 should be closed).
4.1.10 If the water output from the treated water plant reduces considerably, give back wash for both the Multi Grade and Activated Carbon Filters for about 10 to 15 min.
4.1.11 Free chlorine test shall be carried out using “INDION” make easy test kit for free chlorine as shown in Annexure-I.
4.2 Pre treatment of Raw water for the usage of DM water plant:
4.2.1 Prepare 50 L. solution of sodium meta bisulphate (SMBS) solution by mixing 1.3 Kg of SMBS in 50 L of DM water in Dosing tank (DT-02).
4.2.2 Chlorinated water after passing through Multigrade filter (MGF) is dechlorinated using Sodium meta bisulphate (SMBS) Dosing.
4.2.3 The feed rate of the SMBS shall be adjusted in such a way that free chlorine content should be absent at the inlet of DM water plant.
4.2.4 Switch on the SMBS Dosing pump (DP-02) and ensure that, the Dosing is “ON”.
4.2.5 Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) meter shall monitor the free chlorine content present (if any) in the water. This indicator reading should be NMT 350 millivolts.
4.2.6 If the free chlorine content is present in the water, PLC shall indicate by alarm and displayed on MMI for corrective action.
4.2.7 The dechlorinated water is passed to the DM water plant to produce DM water.
4.2.8 SMBS Dosing shall be increased manually to get the free chlorine absent and ORP reading with in the specified range in the water.
4.2.9 Record the data in the register MTCE/Reg/020 as shown in Annexure-II.
4.3 Frequency: Chlorination and dechlorination is the continuous process when borewell pump is “ON” and Raw water pump (P-01) is “ON”.
The responsibility of recording the pre treatment data as per Annexure lies with the staff of rank not lower than the chargemen.
Treated water plant, treatement of raw water, engineering, sodium hypochlorite