To lay down the procedure for preparation of disinfectant and cleaning and disinfections of Microbiology Laboratory.
To lay down the procedure for preparation of disinfectant and cleaning and disinfections of Microbiology Laboratory.
2.0 SCOPE:
This SOP is applicable to the preparation of disinfectant and cleaning & disinfection of Microbiology laboratory.
Microbiologist: To perform the procedure as per SOP.
Head – Quality Control: To check the compliance of SOP.
4.1 Safety precautions:
4.1.1 Use proper safety apparel such as gowns, rubber hand gloves and safety goggles during preparation and use.
4.1.2 While preparing disinfectant solutions always add disinfectant to the water.
4.2 Disinfectant solutions :
2.5 % Dettol
2.5 % Savlon
2.5% Lysol
70% Isopropyl Alcohol (For disinfecting the hands and cleaning of LAF)
Prepare quantities of disinfectant solutions sufficient for one-day use.
4.3 Procedure for preparation of disinfectant solution:
A. 2.5% Dettol (For 1 Liter):
Take 500 ml of Purified water in suitable sterile container. Add 25 ml of Dettol and mix. Make-up volume to 1000 ml with purified water..
B. 2.5% Savlon (For 1 Liter):
Take 500 ml of Purified water in suitable sterile container. Add 25 ml of Savlon and mix. Make-up the volume to 1000 ml with purified water.
C. 2.5% Lysol( For 1 Liter):
Take 500 ml of Purified water in suitable sterile container. Add 25 ml Lysol and mix make –up the volume to 1000 ml with purified water.
D. 70% IPA (For 1 Liter):
Take 300 ml of purified water in suitable sterile container. Add 700 ml of IPA & make-up to 1000 ml. Mix well and filter through 0.45µ sterile membrane filter.
4.4 General instructions:
4.4.1 Perform the cleaning operation with one of the disinfectant solution in the following order.
1.Microbiology Testing Area and Change Rooms
2.Incubator Rooms
3. Media Preparation Area
4.4.2 All disinfectant solutions shall be prepared freshly.
4.4.3 Use sterile non-shedding dusters for cleaning of Microbiology Testing area and its change rooms.
4.4.4 Rotate the disinfectant solution weekly.
4.4.5 Record the preparation of disinfectant.
4.4.6 Label the disinfectant container / bottle.
4.5 Daily cleaning procedure:
Frequency: Once in a day.
4.5.1 After completion of day work clean the floor using a nylon brush / non-shedding duster.
4.5.2 Mop the area in uni-direction.
4.5.3 Subsequently mop the floor using non-shedding wiping mops dipped in the disinfectant.
4.5.4 Maintain records of daily cleaning in Cleaning record of Microbiology department.
4.6 Weekly cleaning procedure:
Frequency: Once in a Week.
4.6.1 Clean the areas in the following order with non-shedding duster.
1. Ceiling, fixtures and walls
4.6.2 Subsequently, mop the area as in the order given above using a non-shedding mop dipped in any one of the disinfectant solutions.
4.6.3 Maintain records of weekly cleaning in Cleaning record of Microbiology department.
Daily sanitation schedule in Microbiological testing area.
Daily rotate the following three disinfectants for disinfection purpose
2.5% dettol, 2.5% savlon,2.5% Lysol.
If unavailability of any one disinfectant, any one among the three can be used.
Microbiology, cleaning, disinfections