To describe a standard operating procedure for preventive maintenance of distilled water plant.
To describe a standard operating procedure for preventive maintenance of distilled water plant.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method to be followed in preventive maintenance of distilled water plant.
The responsibility of carryingout the preventive maintenance of distilled water plant lies with the staff of rank not lower than the junior utility operator.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1.0 Descaling of distilled water plant and condenser tubes:
4.1.1 Dismantle the water make-up line and fix dummy plug.
4.1.2 Arrange a pump and a tank of 150 L. capacity near the distilled water plant.
4.1.3 Connect the pump discharge to the drain point of the distilled water plant.
4.1.4 Dismantle the condenser cover at one end and arrange a nipple. Connect this nipple to tank.
4.1.5 Connect the pump suction to the tank.
4.1.6 Fill the tank with 100 L. of water and add 10 L. of hydrochloric acid (CP).
4.1.7 Switch "ON" the pump and circulate the water for about 1 hour.
4.1.8 After one hour pump the water out and fill the tank with fresh water and circulate it for 5 min.
4.1.9 After 5 min. pump the water out, and fill the tank with DM water and circulate the water for 5 min. and check chlorides content (by giving the sample to QC). If chlorides present in water repeat this step till the absence of chlorides in water.
4.1.10 Fix the condenser cover and water make-up line.
4.2.0 Descaling of condenser shell:
4.2.1 Connect the pump discharge to the condenser water inlet.
4.2.2 Connect the condenser outlet to the tank.
4.2.3 Connect the pump suction to the tank.
4.2.4 Repeat steps 4.1.6 to 4.1.9.
4.3 Check the steam valve and DM water valves. If leaking rectify/replace them.
4.4 Frequency:
Preventive maintenance of distilled water plant should be conduct once in a year.
Responsibility of recording the preventive maintenance in the compliance report lies with the staff of rank not lower than the maintenance engineer.
Distilled water plant, engineering,