To describe a standard operating procedure for preventive maintenance of various equipments.
To describe a standard operating procedure for preventive maintenance of various equipments.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method of preventive maintenance of various equipments namely reactors, centrifuges, fluid bed dryer, sifters, blenders, pumps, dryers, pressure filters, leaf filters, microniser, receivers, nutsch filter, chariot, blowers, exhaust fans, DM water plant, soft water plant, water storage tanks, condensers, vacuum pumps, Boiler, Distilled water plant, Dry air system & Air handling system.
The responsibility of carrying out preventive maintenance lies with the staff of rank not lower than the supervisor of maintenance department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Philosophy:
4.1.1 Preventive maintenance shall be carried out for all utilities and process equipment as per the prescribed schedules and procedures.
4.1.2 Preventive maintenance procedures for various equipment and their frequency are in place.
4.1.3 Job instruction shall be followed as per format no. xxxxx shown in Annexure-II during preventive maintenance of equipment by the doer and checker.
4.1.4 Job instruction card shall have the unique number for identification.
4.1.5 By referring job instruction card unique number a compliance report as per format shall be made and approved by Head of the maintenance department.
4.1.6 Preventive maintenance schedule format No. MTxxxxxof various equipment shall be informed to production department to facilitate clearance for the equipment by internal correspondence.
4.2 Reactors:
4.2.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.2.2 Ensure that the reactor is thoroughly cleaned.
4.2.3 Open the bearing housing covers and apply grease to the bearings.
4.2.4 Check the condition of V-belts. If any cuts are observed on the tread, replace the belts as per SOP REPLACEMENT OF V-BELTS OF REACTORS, VACUUM PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, AIR COMPRESSORS, CENTRIFUGES, BLOWER ETC. Check the deflection of V-belts between the two pulleys. Replace the V-belts if the deflection of the V-belts is more than 1" even after adjusting the Motor base.
4.2.5 Check the condition of facewell coupling, coupling bolts and rubber bushes. If the coupling is cracked / loose on shaft or with enlarged holes replace the coupling as per SOP REPLACEMENT OF COUPLING BOLTS OF REACTORS.. If the coupling bolts and rubber bushes are damaged / deformed, replace as per SOP REPLACEMENT OF COUPLING BOLTS OF REACTORS.
4.2.6 Check the gear box and Motor cooling fans. Replace the fan if it is found broken and / or loose on shaft. Check for the oil leakage from gear box and if required rectify as per the SOP REPLACEMENT OF OIL SEALS OF GEAR BOXES.. Top up oil if required.
4.2.7 Tighten the Agitator bolts and nuts. Replace if found damaged or corroded. Tighten the baffle bolts and Thermowell clamps.
4.2.8 Check the reactor shell for any damage or pitting. In case of major damages, send the equipment for repair as per SOP SENDING OUT EQUIPMENT FOR RECTIFICATION TO THE OUTSIDE AGENCY.& replacement of gland packing of pumps and reactors.. Incase of Glass lined reactors, check the glass lining visually. If any damage is observed, carry out spark testing. If the damage is confirmed by spark testing. Carry out the necessary repair job or relining of the vessel.
4.2.9 Check the valves for leakage and replace if necessary as per the SOP REPLACEMENT OF VALVES
4.2.10 Test the jacket hydraulically up to 1.5 times the normal working pressure as per SOP REPLACEMENT OF COUPLING BOLTS OF REACTORS.
4.2.11 Check the stirrer shaft. If the shaft is wornout or got bent, repair/replace the shaft by sending it to outside agency as per SOP REPAIRING/REPLACING THE AGITATOR/SHAFT OF REACTORS..
4.2.12 Check the thickness of the reactor shell and jacket at different locations with the help of Thickness tester.
4.2.13 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.2.14 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.2.15 Record the readings in Annexure-III.
4.3.0 Centrifuges:
4.3.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.3.2 Check all the lubricating points, If required lubricate them.
4.3.3 Replace the brake liners as per SOP REPLACEMENT OF BREAKE LINERS OF CENTRIFUGE.
4.3.5 Check the condition of V-belt. If the deflection is more than to inches and/or cuts are found on the tread replace the V-belts as per SOP REPLACEMENT OF V-BELTS OF REACTORS, VACUUM PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, AIR COMPRESSORS, CENTRIFUGES, BLOWER ETC.
4.3.6 Replace the brake spring with new spring.
4.3.7 Check the foundation bolts and tighten them.
4.3.8 Check for any abnormal sound and vibration from the centrifuge and rectify as per SOP BREAKDOWN RECTIFICATION OF CENTRIFUGE.
4.3.9 Replace the clutch liners as per SOP BREAKDOWN RECTIFICATION OF CENTRIFUGE..
4.3.10 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.3.11 Frequency: Once in three months.
4.3.12 Record the readings in Annexure-VII.
4.4.0 Fluid Bed Dryer:
4.4.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.4.2 Check the condition of the impeller of the blower.
4.4.3 Check the steam trap and pneumatic cylinders for their operation.
4.4.4 Check the condition of the suction filter. If necessary replace the filter.
4.4.5 Clean the calorifier fins with compressed air.
4.4.6 Replace the product container gasket.
4.4.7 Check the gauges and replace if any error is found.
4.4.8 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.4.9 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.4.10 Record the readings in Annexure-XV.
4.5 Sifter:
4.5.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.5.2 Lubricate all the bearings.
4.5.4 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.5.5 Check the vibration of the sifter and if necessary adjust the balancing mechanism.
4.5.6 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.5.7 Record the readings in Annexure-XVII.
4.6.0 Blender :
4.6.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.6.2 Lubricate the pedestal bearings.
4.6.3 Check the couplings between motor and gear box. Replace if necessary as per SOP REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED COUPLINGS/PULLEYS OF REACTORS, PUMPS, MOTORS AND GEAR BOXES..
4.6.4 Replace the oil in the gear box. If any metal particles are found in the oil, proceed as per SOP REPLACEMENT OF OIL SEALS OF GEAR BOXES.
4.6.5 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.6.6 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.6.7 Record the readings in Annexure-XVII.
4.7.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.7.2 Close the suction and delivery valves and drain the liquid from the suction casing.
4.7.3 Check the gland packing/mechanical seal, if necessary replace/rectify as per SOP replacement of gland packing of pumps and reactors.or SOP replacement of spares of mechanical seal unit of pumps..
4.7.4 Check the coupling alignment, if faulty rectify.
4.7.5 Check the base bolts of pump and motor.
4.7.6 Check the lubricant of the shaft, if necessary fill it.
4.7.7 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.7.8 Frequency : Once in six months.
4.7.9 Record the readings in Annexure-XVIII.
4.8.0 Dryer:
4.8.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.8.2 Lubricate all the bearings.
4.8.3 Check the V-belt, if damaged change the V-belt as per SOP BREAKDOWN RECTIFICATION OF TRAY DRYER.
4.8.4 Check the steam trap for proper operation. If necessary, replace it.
4.8.5 Check and if necessary replace the shaft bearings as per SOP BREAKDOWN RECTIFICATION OF TRAY DRYER.
4.8.6 Check the condition of calorifier. Replace it if the fins are corroded and/or if tubes are leaking.
4.8.7 Paint the interior of the dryer and the trolley.
4.8.8 Check the condition of the fan.
4.8.9 Clean the mesh provided in the suction with compressed air.
4.8.10 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.8.11 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.8.12 Record the readings in Annexure-V.
4.9.0 Pressure Filters:
4.9.1 Check the SS cladding of the filter. If the cladding is damaged send the filter for repairs as per SOP SENDING OUT EQUIPMENT FOR RECTIFICATION TO THE OUTSIDE AGENCY.
4.9.2 Test the filter hydraulically upto 1.5 times the normal working pressure as per SOP HYDRAULIC TESTING OF THE REACTOR JACKET.. If the main flanges are leaking send the filter for repairs as per SOP SENDING OUT EQUIPMENT FOR RECTIFICATION TO THE OUTSIDE AGENCY..
4.9.3 Test the jacket hydraulically upto 1.5 times the normal working pressure as per SOP HYDRAULIC TESTING OF THE REACTOR JACKET.. If any leakage is observed, weld or replace the jacket as per requirement.
4.9.4 Check the saddle and wheels for any damages and rectify if necessary.
4.9.5 Check the thickness of the shell and jacket.
4.9.6 Frequency: Once in a year.
4.9.7 Record the readings in Annexure-VIII.
4.10.0 Leaf Filters:
4.10.1 Check the SS cladding of leaf filter. If the cladding is damaged send the filter for repair as per SOP SENDING OUT EQUIPMENT FOR RECTIFICATION TO THE OUTSIDE AGENCY.
4.10.2 Test the filter hydraulically up to 1.5 times the normal working pressure as per. HYDRAULIC TESTING OF THE REACTOR JACKET. If the main flanges are leaking send the filter for repair as per SOP. SENDING OUT EQUIPMENT FOR RECTIFICATION TO THE OUTSIDE AGENCY..
4.10.3 Test the jacket hydraulically up to 1.5 times the normal working pressure as per SOP HYDRAULIC TESTING OF THE REACTOR JACKET.. If any leakage is observed, weld or replace the jacket as per requirement.
4.10.4 Check the saddle and wheels for any damages and rectify if necessary.
4.10.5 Check the thickness of jacket and shell.
4.10.6 Frquency: Once in a year.
4.10.7 Record the readings in Annexure-IX.
4.11.0 Microniser:
4.11.1 Check for the leaks of various joints.
4.11.2 Check the condition of inner milling ring. If the holes are enlarged replace the ring with new one.
4.11.3 Clean the filters in the air line.
4.11.4 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.11.5 Record the readings in Annexure-VI.
4.12.0 Receivers:
4.12.1 Check the condition of all the nozzels.
4.12.2 Check the condition of all the valves.
4.12.3 Test the receiver hydraulically (1.5 times to the working pressure) as per HYDRAULIC TESTING OF THE REACTOR JACKET..
4.12.4 Check the thickness of the receiver shell.
4.12.5 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.12.6 Record the readings in Annexure-IV.
4.13.0 Nutsch Filters:
4.13.1 Check the condition of filter plate.
4.13.2 Check the wheels of the nutsch filter and if necessary change them.
4.13.3 Check the condition of main flange cladding. If it is damaged send it for repair as per SOP SENDING OUT EQUIPMENT FOR RECTIFICATION TO THE OUTSIDE AGENCY..
4.13.4 Check the gasket condition. If it is damaged replace it.
4.13.5 Check the thickness of Nutsch filter.
4.13.6 Lubricate the wheels.
4.13.7 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.13.8 Record the readings in Annexure-X.
4.14.0 Chariot:
4.14.1 Check the condition of nipples.
4.14.2 Check the condition of the bottom valve.
4.14.3 Check the condition of the wheels.
4.14.4 Check the thickness of the chariot.
4.14.5 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.14.6 Record the readings in Annexure-XI.
4.15.0 Blowers:
4.15.1 Check the bearing condition.
4.15.2 Check the base bolts.
4.15.3 Lubricate the bearings of motor and blower shaft.
4.15.4 Check the condition of V-Belt.
4.15.5 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.15.6 Record the readings in Annexure-XIV.
4.16.0 Exhaust Fan:
4.16.1 Lubricate the bearings.
4.16.2 Check the fan condition.
4.16.3 Frequency : Once in a year.
4.16.4 Record the readings in Annexure-XIV.
4.17.0 DM Water Plant:
4.17.1 Check the condition of rubber lining of pipes and beds at different places. If the rubber lining peels off send for repair.
4.17.2 Wash the resin with water .Make up the resin if required.
4.17.3 Check the view glasses of Mixed-Bed.If any cracks observed replace the glasses with new one.
4.17.4 Check the condition of diaphragm of valves near injectors. If damaged, replace the diaphragms.
4.17.5 Clean the injectors and nozzles.
4.17.6 Frequency: Once in a year.
4.17.7 Record the readings in Annexure-XII.
4.18.0 Soft Water Plants:
4.18.1 Wash the resin with water. Make up the resin if required.
4.18.2 Clean the injector and nozzles.
4.18.3 Frequency: Once in a year.
4.18.4 Record the readings in Annexure-XIII.
4.19.0 Water Storage Tanks:
4.19.1 Pump/Drain out water in the storage tank.
4.19.2 Clean the walls and bottom portion of the storage tanks using wire brush.
4.19.3 After cleaning with wire brush, clean the walls with water jet.
4.19.4 Pump/Drain the contaminated water from the storage tank.
4.19.5 Repeat the steps 4.18.3 and 4.18.4 for 3 more times.
4.19.6 Frequency: Once in a year.
4.20.0 Glass Lined Reactors:
4.20.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.20.2 Ensure that the reactor is thoroughly cleaned.
4.20.3 Open the bearing housing covers and apply grease to the bearings of motor.
4.20.4 Check the condition of V-belts. If any cuts are observed on the tread, replace the belts as per REPLACEMENT OF V-BELTS OF REACTORS, VACUUM PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, AIR COMPRESSORS, CENTRIFUGES, BLOWER ETC.. Check the deflection of V-belts between the two pulleys. Replace the V-belts if the deflection of the V-belts is more than 1" even after adjusting the Motor base.
4.20.5 Tighten the bolts of agitator and gear box coupling.
4.20.6 Check the gear box and Motor cooling fans. Replace the fan if it is found broken and / or loose on shaft. Check for the oil leakage from gear box and if required rectify as per the SOP REPLACEMENT OF OIL SEALS OF GEAR BOXES.. Top up oil if required.
4.20.7 Inspect the glass lining visually after thorough cleaning. Carryout the spark test at 5-6 KV only on doubtful spots. If the damage is confirmed by spark testing carry out the necessary repair job or relining of the vessel.
4.20.8 Check the valves for leakage and replace if necessary as per the SOP REPLACEMENT OF VALVES.
4.20.9 Replace the gaskets of all ports (Nozzles) if they has become hard.
4.20.10 Replace the gland packing rings of agitator of the equipment.
4.20.11 Replace the gland packing rings of the bottom outlet valve.
4.20.12 Replace the Teflon seating of the bottom outlet valve.
4.20.13 Test the jacket hydraulically up to 1.5 times the normal working pressure as per SOP HYDRAULIC TESTING OF THE REACTOR JACKET.
4.20.14 Check the thickness of the reactor jacket at different locations with the help of thickness tester.
4.20.15 De-scale the jacket using sodium hypochlorite solution.
4.20.16 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.20.17 Frequency: Once in three months.
4.21.0 Condensers:
4.21.1 Clean the glass condenser coil with diluted HCl (10%).
4.21.2 SS316 condensers. Clean the condenser tubes using wire brush. Test the condenser tubes hydraulically up to 1.5 times the normal working pressure as per SOP HYDRAULIC TESTING OF THE REACTOR JACKET. Check all the nozzles for their intactness. Record the readings in Annexure-XIX.
4.22.0 Vacuum pumps:
4.22.1 Isolate the equipment electrically.
4.22.2 Close the vacuum valve and water valve.
4.22.3 Remove the pump from foundation frame.
4.22.4 Dismantle the pump.
4.22.5 Check the bearing condition. If worn out replace with new.
4.22.6 Check the control discs condition. If found worn out rectify the problem by machining.
4.22.7 Check the couplings condition. If found damaged replace them.
4.22.8 Check the gland packing. If necessary replace them.
4.22.9 Check the foundation bolts.
4.22.10 Assemble the pump and apply lubricant to the bearings.
4.22.11 Check the alignment.
4.22.12 Restore the power supply to the equipment.
4.22.13 Record the reading in Annexure-XX.
4.23.0 Boiler
4.23.1 Isolate the boiler electrically.
4.23.2 Clean the tubes with wire brush.
4.23.3 Descale the boiler with Sulphamic Acid.
4.23.4 Check the condition of safety valves.
4.23.5 Check the condition of the mobery switch.
4.23.6 Check boiler feed water pump and motor alignment.
4.23.7 Check the blower condition.
4.23.8 Check the bearing condition of blower, and motor.
4.23.9 Check the furnace brick lining.
4.23.10 Check the fire grate condition.
4.23.11 Check the gauge glasses condition.
4.23.21 Record the reading in Annexure-XXI
4.24.0 Distilled water plant
4.24.1 Check the steam valve condition.
4.24.2 Descale the distilled water plant and condenser tubes.
4.24.3 Descale the condenser shell.
4.24.4 Record the readings in Annexure-XXII
4.25.0 Dry air system
4.25.1 Check the pre filters and end filters condition and clean them.
4.25.2 Check the Activated Aluminia condition. If necessary, replace with new.
4.25.3 Check the Pneumatic control valves.
4.25.4 Check the Air purging time and quantity of purge.
4.25.5 Check the Non-return valves condition.
4.25.6 Record the reading in Annexure-XXIII.
4.26.0 Air handing system
Preventive maintenance shall be carried out as per SOP PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF AIR HANDLING SYSTEMS AND AIR EXHAUST SYSTEMS, and record the readings in Annexure-XXIV.
The responsibility of recording the preventive maintenance in the compliance report lies with the staff of rank not lower than the maintenance engineer.
Various equipment in the plant, engineering