To lay down a procedure for cleaning and sanitization of stability chamber.
1.1 To lay down a procedure for cleaning and sanitization of stability chamber.
2.1 This SOP covers the cleaning and sanitization of stability chamber and is applicable to all stability chambers at Unit- I.
3.1 Chemist - Stability
4.1 Location Head - Stability
5.1 Stability chambers are cleaned and sanitized once in 3 Months or when ever Spillage occurs which ever is earlier as per the following procedure.
5.1.1 Switch OFF the stability chamber.
5.1.2 Remove the power cord and close the purified water valve.
5.1.3 Empty the water bath.
5.1.4 Clean the water bath with a cloth.
5.1.5 Open the door of the stability chamber.
5.1.6 Clean the trays and inner walls of the chamber with a dry cloth.
5.1.7 Wet mop the inner walls of the chamber with 2.5 % dettol / savlon/ 70% IPA.
5.1.8 Air-dry the chamber for 10 minutes.
5.1.9 Open the purified water valve and fill the water bath.
5.1.10 Close the door after Air-drying.
5.1.11 Connect the power plug and put ON the chamber.
5.2 Record the details in Stability chamber cleaning record as per Annexure-I.
Sanitization, stability chamber, inner walls, water bath