To lay down the Procedure for Cleaning of Microbiology Laboratory and Preparation of Disinfectant Solutions.
1.0 Purpose :
To lay down the Procedure for Cleaning of Microbiology Laboratory and Preparation of Disinfectant Solutions.
2.0 Scope :
This Procedure is applies to the Cleaning of Microbiology Laboratory and Preparation of Disinfectant solutions for decontamination.
3.0 Responsibility:
3.1 Person from concerned department directly involved in the activity shall be responsible for to ensure proper cleaning of the microbiology area and preparation of disinfectant solutions.
4.0 Definitions/Abbreviations:
LAF: Laminar Air Flow Bench
5.0 Procedure :
5.1 Preparation of Disinfectant Solutions:
5.1.1Dettol / Savlon solution: All the dilutions used for the preparation of disinfectant solution are made with purified water. The quantity of the disinfectant solution required for the cleaning of microbiology laboratory shall be about 3lts. The disinfectant solution of 4% Dettol / 4% Savlon shall be prepared by taking 120ml of Dettol / Savlon and make up the volume to 3 liters with purified water. Prepare the solution before use.
5.1.270% Isopropyl alcohol solution: Take 350ml of isopropyl alcohol and mix with 150ml of purified water. Filter the prepared 70% IPA solution through sterile 0.2µ membrane filter (47mm diameter). Filtration:Place 0.2µ-membrane filter in the holder and fix it to the filtration unit. Sterilize by autoclaving at 15lbs/121ºC for 30 minutes by wrapping it in parchment/ butter paper. Shift the entire assembly and prepared IPA solution to the LAF bench. Unwrap the filtration unit and attach the line to vacuum. Switch ON the vacuum pump and put 70% IPA solution slowly into the filter funnel and allow the filtrate to collect in the flask. After the completion of filtration, immediately transfer filtrate into the dispensers. The 0.2 µ filtered 70% IPA solution shall be prepared once in 3 days or whenever required and label the dispensers as per format
5.1.3 Enter the data of cleaning solution preparation in microbiology area cleaning disinfectant solution preparation log book, Format no xxxx
5.2 Cleaning of Microbiology Testing Room:
5.2.1LAF Bench: After completion of the day’s work switch off the LAF bench, and clean the surface of grill and working bench with 70% IPA solution and side glasses with disinfectant solution 4% Dettol / 4% Savlon.
5.2.2Allow to dry and switch on the UV lamp.
5.2.3Testing Room: Clean the floor with disinfectant solution 4% Dettol / 4% Savlon with the movement in backward direction to avoid unnecessary contamination of the cleaned areas.
5.2.4Change Room: Clean the floor with disinfectant solution 4% Dettol / 4% Savlon with the movement in back ward direction to avoid unnecessary contamination of the cleaned area.
5.2.5Frequency of cleaning of testing room and change room: Daily
5.3 Cleaning of Documentation Room, Instrumentation Room, Incubator Room, Sterilization Room and Washing Room: Clean the floor with disinfectant solutions of 4% Dettol / 4%Savlon.
5.3.1 Frequency of cleaning: Daily.
5.4 Cleaning of grills, Glass Panes, and Doors: Clean the glass panes, grills, and doors with 70% IPA solution.
5.4.1 Frequency of cleaning: Weekly.
5.5 Cleaning of Ceiling, Walls, and Electrical Fixtures: Clean the ceiling, walls, LAF cabinet, electrical fixtures with dry cloth followed by disinfectant solution by spraying with 70% IPA solution with the movement in backward direction to avoid contamination of the cleaned areas. Repeat the above mentioned step for all microbiology lab rooms.
5.5.1Frequency of cleaning: Fortnightly (once in 15 days).
5.6To prevent the development of resistance of microorganisms for the disinfectant solution of 4% Dettol / 4% Savlon shall be used in rotation.
5.7Record the cleaning details in the cleaning report format
6.0 Related Documents: Nil
7.0 Annexures : Nil
Disinfectant solutions, microbiology, cleaning