To lay down the Procedure for Operation of UV Pass Box and its usage.
1.0 Purpose :
To lay down the Procedure for Operation of UV Pass Box and its usage.
2.0 Scope :
This procedure applies to UV pass box located between Testing room and Sterilization room used for transfer of materials from sterilization room into the testing area and Washing room and Incubator room used for transfer of materials from incubator room into washing area.
3.0 Responsibility:
3.1 The responsibility of usage of UV pass box in microbiology laboratory lies with Microbiologist/Analyst.
4.0 Definition/Abbreviations: Nil.
5.0 Procedure :
5.1 UV Pass Box in between Testing room and Sterilization room:
5.1.1 The functioning of UV pass box is controlled by visual indicators and audio buzzing system.
5.1.2 Put the operating switch of the UV pass box ON, for operation of UV lamp, visual indicators,and audio buzzing system throughout 24 hours.
5.1.3 The user must observe the following before using the pass box; Check the indicator before use. Red bulb shows the usage of pass box on the other side. Green bulb shows that the pass box is ready for usage. Alarm indicates both doors are open and close the doors immediately.
5.1.4 The material to be transferred into the testing area shall be decontaminated by spraying with 0.2 micron filtered 70% IPA solution.
5.1.5 Load the material into pass box and close the door.
5.1.6 Allow the material to expose under UV light for 10 minutes. Positive culture, viable suspension and sample should not exposed under UV light.
5.1.7 Alert the person in side to unload the material by opening the door in the testing room.
5.1.8 At the end of the days work, clean the UV pass box with disinfectant solution using a lintfree cloth followed by spraying with 0.2µ filtered 70% IPA solution.
5.1.9 UV lamp efficacy test shall be checked for once in 3 months ± 7 days.
5.2 UV Pass Box in between Incubator room and Washing room:
5.2.1 In close condition display shows ‘GO’
5.2.2 To open the door press ‘PUSH’ button.
5.2.3 Then display shows ’GO’ ‘DOOR OPEN’
5.2.4 Open the door with the help of handle by pushing down wards.
5.2.5 Place the material in side the pass box and close the door.
5.2.6 UV lamps shall be “ON” automatically.
5.2.7 Wait for 10 minutes.
5.2.8 To open the door from opposite side of the pas box.
5.2.9 Press ‘PUSH’ button.
5.2.10 Then display shows ’GO’ ‘DOOR OPEN’
5.2.11 Open the door with the help of handle by pushing down wards.
5.2.12 Remove the material and the close the door.
5.2.13 UV lamp efficacy test shall be checked for once in 3 months ± 7 days.
5.2.14 All UV lamps shall be replaced once in six months.
6.0 Related Documents:
6.1 Procedure for UV Light Efficacy Test (SOPxxxxx).
Uv pass box, microbiology, visual indicators