1.1 To lay down a procedure for test for surface swabs.
2.1 This Sop covers the procedure of surface swab test.
3.1 Microbiologist
4.1 Department Head – Quality Control
5.1 Prepare normal saline by weighing 0.9 grams of Sodium chloride in 100 ml of water and distribute to 10 ml each in test tube.
5.2 Take a ready-made sterile swab and sterile normal saline in sterile Stainless Steel box and carry it to respective area for swab analysis.
5.3 Wear sterile hand gloves, open the box and remove the wrapper of sterile swab.
5.4 Dip the swab in sterile normal saline to moisten the head of swab.
5.5 Remove excess saline by touching the head at the inside wall of the test tube.
5.6 Swab exactly 2” x 2” surface area by using sterile Stainless Steel template (2” x 2”).
5.7 Swab the surface by five horizontal strokes; turn the swab clockwise after every stroke.
5.8 After completion of swab insert the swab in sterile normal saline containing 10 ml each.
5.9 Bring it to microbiology lab and assign Analytical Reference no. as per current version of Sop No: xxxxx
5.10 Aseptically carry out the analysis by sterile membrane filter, having porosity 0.45 micron.
5.11 Put the membrane on to the previously sterilised and solidified Soyabean casein digest agar plate.
5.12 Incubate the plate for not less than 48 –72 hours at 35 ? 2°C.
5.13 Follow same procedure for fungi using Sabouraud dextrose agar and incubate them for not less than 5 days at 22 ? 2°C.
5.14 Observe the plate under colony counter and record the result in surface swab record as per annexure 1.
5.15 Monitor the swab test once in week for microbiology testing area and process area in production blocks.
Microbiology, procedure, surface swab test