To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for handling, storage, packing and preservation of products.
To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for handling, storage, packing and preservation of products.
The SOP describes in detail the method of handling, storage, packing and preservation of products.
The responsibility of handling, storage, packing and preservation of products as per the SOP lies with the staff of the rank not lower than operator of the production department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the SOP lies with the Executive (Production), Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Handling of materials.
4.1.1 Solvents are stored in sealed containers or closed tanks. The transferring shall be done either by gravity, pumping or by vacuum.
4.1.2 Solid materials are packed in closed bags/containers and transferred from one place to other with the help of trolleys and they shall be charged into the reactor by using scoop.
4.2 Storage of Materials
4.2.1 The intermediates & finished products shall be kept in new double polythene bags and stored in specified containers as per the given Annexure-I.
4.2.2 The intermediates & finished products shall be stored in designated areas based on status of Quarantine and approved (colour indicates respectively yellow & green).
4.2.3 The intermediates & finished products shall be stored such that containers belonging to one product shall be separated from the other product.
4.2.4 The storage of intermediates & finished products in containers shall be done after taking into account the compatibility of the materials.
4.2.5 The containers used for the storage of intermediates & finished products shall be cleaned with the solvent which is used in the process as per the BMS of the same product.
4.2.6 The intermediate & finished products shall be rechecked for every six months for their quality. (based on the stability data)
4.3 Packing
4.3.1 The materials shall be packed, after getting clearance from quality control department in specified containers as per given Annexure-I. The containers and other packing material shall be drawn from the stores by using packing material indent (P/F106R).
4.3.2 The containers shall be cleaned properly with industrial methylated spirit and two polythene bags are placed into the drum. The cleaning of containers shall be recorded in the respective register. QC chemist shall put sign. in the packing record. If the containers cleaning is found to be satisfactory
4.3.3 The filling of the material into the poly bags placed in the containers and all the other packing operations shall be completed in presence of QC chemist. The packing chemist shall paste the labels on the upper surface of the containers and inner surface of the containers or as per the customer requirement.
4.3.4 Incase the material is packed in 1 Kg. or less than 1 Kg. pack size, the material is packed in a corrugated tin, which contains only one poly bag.
4.3.5 After completion of the packing both the QC chemist and packing supervisor shall sign in the packing record.
4.3.6 The packed material shall be transfered to the commercial stores along with a commercial transfer note (P/F110).
4.3.7 The materials shall be stored in commercial stores, product wise separately.
Production, handling storage, preservation