To lay down the procedure for Sampling and approval of packing material.
1.1 To lay down the procedure for Sampling and approval of packing material.
2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This SOP is applicable for the packing materials.
3.1 Chemist – Quality Control
3.2 Chemist- IPQA
4.1 Executive – Quality Control
5.1 Sampling:
5.1.1 Upon receipt of Material Received Receipt (MRR) from stores, IPQA chemist shall enter the particulars of the packing material inward register as per Annexure –I.
5.1.2 Before sampling, IPQA chemist shall verify the packing material details according to MRR.
5.1.3 For every individual consignment AR. number shall be allotted.
5.1.4 One samples shall be drawn for each consignment.
5.1.5 Each and every sampled packing material shall be labeled as SAMPLED as per annexure
5.2 Approval:
5.2.1 After sampling , IPQA chemist hand over the sample to Quality Control for analysis.
5.2.2 Analyst shall analyze the packing material, as per the standard test procedure.
5.2.3 Analyst shall prepare analytical report.
5.2.4 Sr.Executive or designee shall verify analytical results and enter in ATR as well as ERP.
5.2.5 Manager or designee shall approve the ATR and MRR.
5.2.6 Document shall be forwarded to QA and QA executive approve the status in ERP and release the status label.
5.2.7 For approved material, Approved label and rejected material, Rejected label as per annexure –II shall be affixed
Packing material, approval, sampling, chemist, designee