To lay down the procedure to be followed for cleaning of glassware and sterilization glassware and microtips.
1.0 Purpose :
To lay down the procedure to be followed for cleaning of glassware and sterilization glassware and microtips.
2.0 Scope :
This procedure applies to cleaning of glassware and sterilization of glassware and microtips used for microbiological testing.
3.0 Responsibility:
3.1 The responsibility of cleaning and sterilization of glassware and microtips lies with Microbiologist/Analyst.
4.0 Definitions / Abbreviations : Nil.
5.0 Procedure :
5.1 Cleaning of Glassware, Filter units and Manifolds:
5.1.1 All glassware such as conical flasks, petriplates, glass pipettes, beakers, filter units and manifold which are used for microbiological purpose shall be cleaned.
5.1.2 Remove any significant residues in the glassware by brushing or flushing with water.
5.1.3 Take about 5 liters of water into the tub and put 100 ml of ‘Rankleen or Soap solution’ mix3 well and soak all the glassware in the tub.
5.1.4 After soaking take the glassware and brushed it and wash under tap water.
5.1.5 Again soak in 4% Dettol or 4% Savlon solution for 10 minutes to disinfect and finally rinse with purified water 2-3 times and keep for drying in oven.
5.2 Cleaning of Micro tips / Pipettes:
5.2.1 Sample drawn and culture suspension drawn micro tips / pipettes are soak in Rankleen or Soap Solution.
5.2.2 After soaking take the micro tips / pipettes rinse with tap water and again soak in 4% Dettol or 4% Savlon solution for 10 minutes and finally rinse with purified water.
5.3 Sterilization of Glassware:
5.3.1 Petri plates and glass pipettes shall be sterilized in oven at 180° C for 2 hours.
5.3.2 The glass ware, filter units and manifold shall be sterilized at 121°c/15 lbs for 30 minutes in horizontal or vertical autoclave.
5.4 Sterilization of Micro tips / Pipettes:
5.4.1 Microtips / Pipettes shall be sterilized at 121°C/15 lbs for 20minutes in horizontal autoclave.
6.0 Related Documents:
6.1 Procedure for operation, calibration and Temperature Mapping of horizontal and Vertical Autoclave, sop.
6.2 Procedure for operation and calibration of Lab Oven, sop.
Microbiology, cleaning, sterilization glassware, microtips