1.0 Introduction
1.1 Production
A suitable purification technique should be used to prepare purified water
Purified water is produced by Reverse osmosis, ion exchange, ultrafiltration, distillation and electro- deionization process
Ion exchange, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis are susceptible to contamination by microbes when the equipment is static at times where there is less demand or no demand for water
Sanitization and control methods for microbes should be followed
1.1.1 Considerations for sanitization
Flow should be maintained at minimum level throughout the water generation system at all times
Temperature control should be done by plant room cooling or heat exchanger to reduce microbial growth
Ultraviolet disinfection provision
Thermal sanitization should be at less than 65oc
Chemical sanitization can be done by agents like hydrogen peroxide, Peracetic acid or ozone
Water treatment components which are to thermally sanitized need to be selected before
1.1.2 Considerations in configuring water purification system
Quality of feed water and its variability over seasons
Amount of water as per requirement by the user
Required quality specifications for the water
Purification stages
Energy consumed
Required Scale of pretreatment to protect final purification steps
Performance optimization like yield & efficiency of process steps
Designing the Sampling points to reduce or prevent contamination
Process steps should be supplied with suitable instrumentation to identify the parameters like flow, pressure, conductivity, temperature, total organic carbon and pH.
1.2 Quality aspects
Purified water is prepared from drinking water source which is a minimum quality feed water.
It should be in compliance with the specifications given in pharmacopoeia for chemical & microbiology purity with acceptance and alert limits
It should be protected from contamination and microbial proliferation.
It is prepared by combining reverse osmosis or electro deionization and vapour compression.
Alert levels which are not specified in pharmacopoeia are determined by knowledge of system.
Purified water system, performance optimization, ultraviolet disinfection, thermal sanitization, chemical sanitization