
Skyridge Nutratech LLP
  • Category: Pharma
  • Delivery Lead Time : 2 Week

Lipid Matrix Coated Butyrate fortified with Mannan Oligosaccharide (MOS)

Sodium butyrate, an organic acidifier, has a strong anti-bacterial effect and is known to stimulate the production of pancreatic secretions, including enzymes. It also stimulates hormones, such as insulin, which in turn stimulates epithelium development. Butyrate serves as an energy source for enterocytes, which increase villus growth and overall absorptive surface area in the intestine. In addition, butyric acid inhibits Salmonella colonization.

Mannan Oligosaccharide (MOS) decreases a load of pathogenic bacteria through 1) binding bacterial type-1 fimbriae 2) increasing goblet cells which produce bactericidal mucin and 3) providing a favorable environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria leading to competitive exclusion.

Gutvin is presented in an organic lipid matrix formulation (which ensures the release of the butyrate slowly) fortified with Mannan Oligosaccharide (MOS).


Sodium Butyrate, Mannan Oligosaccharide (MOS)


White gut relief in 3-5 days

Releases butyrate slowly in the intestine

Increases antimicrobial activity of host immune cells

Improves gut health and digestion

Regulates intestinal microflora


10 - 20 g / kg of feed 3 -5 days in 2 feeds or as advised by an aqua consultant


1 kg