To describe a standard operating procedure for breakdown rectification of pressure filters.
To describe a standard operating procedure for breakdown rectification of pressure filters.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method of breakdown rectification of pressure filters in the plant.
The responsibility of breakdown rectification of pressure filters lies with the staff of rank not lower than junior utility operator of maintenance department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Pressure filter leakage:
4.1.1 Separate the pressure filter from the system and open all bolts of the main flange.
4.1.2 Remove the top lid.
4.1.3 Clean the filter using water.
4.1.4 Check the gasket. If it is damaged replace it as per the SOP REPLACEMENT OF GASKETS OF REACTORS MAIN FLANGE, PRESSURE FILTERS AND LEAF FILTERS..
4.1.5 Check the main flanges, if they are damaged send to the outside agency as per the SOP SENDING OUT EQUIPMENT FOR RECTIFICATION TO THE OUTSIDE AGENCY.. and get its rectification. Place the filter cloth and sterimat on the filter.
4.1.6 Fix the top lid. Tighten all the bolts and nuts.
4.1.7 Fix the pressure filter to the reactor bottom. Open the bottom valve and check the pressure filter for any leakage.
4.1.8 If it leaks, tighten the main flange bolts further till the leak is arrested.
4.1.9 If it leaks from body rectify the leak by welding the leaking portion.
4.1.10 Breakdown rectification data for main flanges repairs/replacement by outside agency and welding repairs shall be recorded in history card of the equipment.
The responsibility of recording breakdown rectification of pressure filter in the history card as per the SOP lies with the staff of rank not lower than maintenance supervisor.
Pressure filters, breakdown rectification, engineering