To describe a standard operating procedure for the cleaning and the inspection of HDPE and MS lined drums.
To describe a standard operating procedure for the cleaning and the inspection of HDPE and MS lined drums.
2.0 SCOPE:
The SOP describes in detail the method of cleaning and the inspection of HDPE and MS lined drums.
The responsibility of getting the drums cleaned as per the standard operating procedure lies with the staff of the rank not lower than operator of production department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the SOP lies with the Officer (Production), Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1.1 The drums are cleaned by the solvents for which the drums are intended to be used. The washings are checked for moisture content by quality control department.
4.1.2 After getting the satisfactory report of moisture content from quality control department, the supervisor requests the QC personnel to check the drums physically and QC chemist after checking the drums physically for foreign matter, certifies the drums in the prescribed format.
4.2.1 The drums are rinsed with the solvent which is to be filled in the drums. The rinsings are sent to quality control department for G.C. analysis (check for the absence of foreign peaks).
4.2.2 After getting the G.C. results the quality control in-charge will decide whether the rinsings are sufficient or not. If the rinsing is not sufficient the supervisor will be asked to do more rinsings and send samples to QC department for analysis. This step will be continued till the G.C. results are satisfactory.
4.2.3 After getting the report, the supervisor will request the quality control department to inspect the drums physically. The quality control chemist after inspecting the drums certifies in the prescribed format.
1. The supervisor should assure that the lids of the drums are always closed
after cleaning is over.
2. The dedicated drums used for solvents have to be checked only physically.
The responsibility of recording the data lies with staff of rank not lower than operator.
Production, inspection, cleaning