To lay down the procedure for dealing with international visitor.
To lay down the procedure for dealing with international visitor (s) / auditor
This procedure is applicable
Coordinator – Proposing Department.
Assistant Manager – Human Resource.
International auditor (s) are treated as visitor (s) on any of the manufacturing sites.
The proposing department shall raise a requisition for the activities of the visit and seek approval of Senior Management. No visitor (s) is permitted to visit the operating sites without approval of Senior Management. The audit proposal letter or an agenda is required for visitor (s)/auditor (s) to visit any of the manufacturing sites.
The proposing department in conjunction with the visitor (s)/auditor (s) shall plan the visit/audit. The plan essentially consist of
Purpose of visit.
Schedule of visit
Proposed / tentative agenda
Name (s) of the visitor (s)/ auditor (s)
The plan of visit/audit is informed to concerned site coordinator by the proposing department.
The proposing department shall assign a coordinator for the visit. The primary responsibilities of the coordinator include the following but not limited to
Based on travel schedule make arrangements for accommodation, transportation and meetings with concerned personnel etc.
Make arrangements to receive, arrange for site trips, meetings at site and off-site locations, general visits, send off, etc.
Make arrangements for local communication facilities (mobile phones), stationery (writing and recording media, mobile computer systems etc.), translation and secretarial services, etc as required during the visit. All these arrangements shall be at company’s cost.
Auditor (s) are given free access to any areas depending upon the areas of their interest.
The coordinate shall inform the visitor (s) / auditor (s) of the organizations policies on the following.
Photography is not permitted on any manufacturing site. If at all it is a specific requirement of auditor (s), the site head permission is required. Coordinator shall arrange for the same.
All the relevant operating procedures are to be followed by the visitor (s)/auditor (s) during the visit.
All safety precautions need to be adhered to during the visit.
Authorized plant personnel/coordinator shall always accompany visitor (s) /auditor (s) during the visit.
Visitor (s) are permitted access to areas as per the purpose of the visit.
Lunch, refreshments during the visit/audit shall be provided by the company.
Copies of the documents as required by the purpose of the visit/audit shall be provided through the coordinator.
Samples and standards as per the purpose of the visit shall be provided through the coordinator.
Any additional requirements of the visitor (s)/auditor (s) shall be communicated to the senior management by the coordinator or the site coordinator and based on the decision shall implement the decisions.
Visitors, auditors,manufacturing, translation